A large diverse screening team evaluates candidates based on interviews, questionaires, financial viability, community involvement, website reviews and their social media content and presence.

BADM Candidate Endorsement

Screening Process

•Questionnaires are sent to the candidates with a completion date & notice that an interview appointment will be scheduled.

•A diverse screening team of 5-10 club members meet and interview candidate(s) in-person (preferred); phone interviews/zoom are allowed in certain situations. This same team must interview all candidates in a particular race for consistency in scoring.

•Teams review candidates questionnaires, websites, financial viability, social media sites, professional organization memberships and involvement, community involvement etc.

•At the end of each screening interview, team members individually fill in score sheets and write up a summary review of each candidate.

•Interviews are 30-45 minutes.

•After completion of all candidate interviews for a race, scores from the individual score sheets are entered on a spreadsheet. The candidate with the top numerical score receives the screening committee endorsement for that particular race.

•If two candidates have a score within 1.5% of each other, we then look at positions each candidate was placed in rank order by each screener. If a candidate received both the high score and the most #1 rankings they receive BADM endorsement. If one candidate receives the highest score but another candidate received the most #1 rankings, the endorsement team can recommend a dual endorsement.

•We then bring our selected candidates to the BADM membership at our general meeting for a vote.

 Bay Area Democratic Movement (BADM)

2024 Endorsement Questionnaires

Click button to Download and View PDF Forms

Legend: HC —> Harris County 


Copyright © 2017 BADM All Rights Reserved

 24 Nov 2024

Bay Area Democratic Movement

PO Box 590383

Houston, Tx 77259