We stand together in support of each other for the protection of our constitutional rights, health, environment, immigrants, and uphold the belief that vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.
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We stand together in support of one another for the protection of our constitutional rights, health and environment and uphold the belief that vibrant and diverse communities are the strength of our country.
The name of the organization shall be theBay Area Democratic Movement.
ARTICLE II – Purpose and Policies
To support and promote Democratic principles at all levels of government.
To exert influence on the Democratic Party to continue its historic role as a party which promotes social justice, the local, state and national interest, and the needs of all people.
To keep the Bay Area Community informed of the Bay Area Democratic Movement and its principles by concentrating activities primarily in the Clear Lake and surrounding areas in cooperation with the Harris County and Galveston County Democratic Party and those elected or appointed Democratic Precinct Chairs in these precincts.
ARTICLE III - Membership
All persons at least age fourteen (14) who are interested in the political process and support the principles of the Bay Area Democratic Movement are eligible for membership in the organization.
Membership dues shall be set by the Executive Committee, approved by the general membership, and made a part of the by-laws.
Membership dues shall be paid annually, due in February each year.
Only members in good standing shall be eligible to vote.To be a member in good standing requires a three-month membership term to vote on any BADM Club action.
Annual Membership dues
Individual: $25
Family: $35
Students (high school and college) and seniors (65 and older) are exempt from dues.
Sustaining members: Members who contribute $10 or more per month or make a one-time donation each year of at least $120 or in multiple donations that add up to $120 in one year.
The Bay Area Democratic Movement shall have thirteen (13) board positions:
Vice President
Assistant Treasurer
Candidate Support and
Voter Outreach
Marketing & PR
Technology Coordinator and
Hospitality & Food
Community Outreach Coordinator
Judicial Outreach
Parliamentarian (non-voting appointee of President, but may be a voting Board member)
ARTICLE V – Officers and their Duties
The term of each office shall be two years, beginning May through April.
No term limits will be in place.
Elections shall be held at the regular April meeting of the organization each election year.
Vacancies will be filled by a board majority vote.
The foregoing named four (4) officers shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Bay Area Democratic Movement:
Vice President
The Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Committee plus:
Assistant Treasurer
Hospitality and Food
Candidate Support and
Voter Outreach
Technology Coordinator and
Community Outreach Coordinator
Parliamentarian (non-voting appointee of President, but may be a voting Board member)
The President shall preside at all meetings and be the official spokesperson for the Executive Committee and for the organization. The President shall create committees as needed. The President shall have the power to call special meetings. The President shall be the official spokesperson at all meetings or gatherings with other Democratic organizations, Democratic officeholders and/or candidates seeking office.The President shall appoint a Parliamentarian to participate at each of the following meetings; Executive Board, Board of Directors and Membership meetings.
The Vice President shall preside in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall additionally be responsible for arrangements of membership meetings and programs.
The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings and be prepared to report those minutes at the next scheduled meeting if requested by the President. The Secretary shall make such records available to all officers as requested.
The Treasurer shall receive and deposit all moneys of the organization and shall record all financial transactions and report them to the Executive Board and available at BADM general meeting upon request. Membership dues received by the Treasurer shall determine active membership status and the Treasurer shall supervise the accuracy of membership records.
The Treasurer shall be responsible for filing all reports required by law with the Texas Ethics Commission.
ARTICLE VI- Meetings
The Bay Area Democratic Movement will meet the second Tuesday of each month with the exception of January and July. Special meetings may be called by a majority vote of the Executive Committee. A Board quorum comprised of a members shall be required to conduct business.The annual meeting to elect offers shall be held in April every two years.
Board Meetings.Regular meetings of the Board shall be held in the first week of each month, unless otherwise directed by the President.
Conduct of Board Meetings.Members of the Board may participate in a meeting through electronic means, including through the use of telephonic and/or video teleconferencing, use of conference telephone or similar communications equipment, including but not limited to electronic meetings, so long as all members participating in such meeting can communicate with one another. Final discussion and vote shall be by simultaneous aural communication among all participating members. Such participation shall constitute personal presence at the meeting.
ARTICLE VII– Bylaws and Amendments
These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a Board meeting, provided the proposed amendment has been read as a proposed amendment at the previous meeting. Once approved by the Board, the changes will be presented to the membership for vote.
The President shall ask membership for those who are interested in running for office. If no one volunteers, the board will put together a Slate of Officers and present at membership meeting for vote by the members.
Bylaws shall be adopted by a majority vote of the members present and voting at a meeting.
A Bylaws committee shall prepare amendments to Bylaws when so directed by the Board or membership. Membership of Bylaws Committee shall consist of at least three Board members.
ARTICLE VIII – Parliamentary Authority
The most current edition of Roberts Rule of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern, unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws. These Bylaws shall take effect upon adoption by a two-thirds vote of those in attendance at a general meeting of the membership.
If, at any time, this club shall be dissolved, no part of the funds or property shall be distributed to or among its members, but after payment of all indebtedness of the club, its surplus funds and properties shall be donated to the Harris County Democratic Party.
Vice-President: Sarah Blog
Sarah Blog is the newest (and youngest) member of the board. Sarah grew up in New Mexico. She moved to Houston in 2019 after graduating from Emory University and Georgia Tech. In her day job, she trains astronauts and works in mission control at NASA. She enjoys rugby, crossword puzzles, and caring for her dog, Frito. Sarah is a lifelong, committed Democrat.
Tracey Lewis is a retired Labor and Delivery Nurse and holds a BSN, RN from The University of Texas Health Science Center and a BBA with a concentration in Management Information Systems from The University of Houston. Nursing was a second career after spending over 25 years in the Information Technology field.She is happily married to Steve Lewis and has two children, Leon and Emma.Tracey’s hobbies are traveling the world with her wonderful husband, and seeing live music with her friends.Tracey has been a democrat all of her life and has voted in every presidential election and most primary elections since she was 18 years old.After the 2016 presidential election, Tracey became active in trying to change the direction this country is heading.Tracey has participated in marches and actively supports local and national candidates, both financially and as a volunteer.Serving on the Bay Area Democratic Movement board is the first time Tracey has become actively involved in politics and feels it is an honor and a privilege.
I went to high school & college in Georgia. I graduated from Georgia Tech in Chemical Engineering and moved to Houston Texas for a job in Research & Development. I married another Georgia Tech grad who worked for a NASA contractor & had three daughters. We lived in Clear Lake Forest neighborhood for about 20 years to raise the girls. I got divorced and move to an older home in La Porte on the Bay Front in 2002. I remarried in 2004 and my husband Tim has two kids.
I started teaching high school Physics & then added the teaching of Forensics. I’ve really enjoyed teaching and plan to sub part time this year in my old school, which is an early college HS in Baytown.
I got more politically involved after 2016 election and have remained active since. Really feels like Groundhog Day this year.
My daughters live in San Antonio, Savannah Georgia and Lansing Michigan now. All of them have kids now, so it is a lot of fun to spend time with them.
My step daughter Tessa is living in San Antonio, close to my daughter Zoe. Zoe just had a darling baby boy and is a criminal defense attorney. Tessa is a logistics manager at HEB. My daughter Robin is a Georgia Tech grad in engineering who is currently teaching math at her daughters’ school on Tybee Island off Savannah Georgia coast. Lina has two boys and lives in Michigan. All are well and doing great.
Vernon Reinhardt Moult (Pete) graduated from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock with a degree in Biology and Psychology in 1982. Following graduation, Pete moved to Texas joining the Houston side of the family who originally arrived in the city in1920. In 1984, he completed a post-graduate program at Rice University, obtaining Texas Teacher Certification and teaching at the Rice University Summer High School. Additional classes and observation hours were completed at University of Houston at Clear Lake and Clear Creek ISD. Teaching work includes; Houston ISD, Austin ISD, several private schools and the Lago Vista ISD.
In 1988 he completed an MS in Labor and Industrial Relations at the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas. Additionally, Pete spent six years working in Memphis, Tennessee at Memphis State University in the Student Organization and Religious affairs Office.
Returning to Texas in 1997, he resumed teaching, working with emotionally disturbed children in both public and private facilities, following a one year internship in an Arkansas private psychiatric hospital through the University of Central Arkansas in Conway, Arkansas.
In 2012 Pete and his husband returned to Nassau Bay, Texas where he taught Science at Liberty High School for International students, HISD’s only night school for Newcomer language students. Pete attended the Biology and Chemistry RRSET Program for teachers at Rice University and was awarded the Summer Teaching Experience in the Rice University Biochemistry Department. Currently, Pete is a part owner of a family real estate business in Houston. Time is spent helping local youth one on one and working in animal rescue. Pete is a member of the local Astronomical Society and the Great Books Reading Group. Hobbies include local/foreign historic and natural history travel, gardening, swimming, boating and nature hikes.
I made the move to Houston in December 2019 when my family was stationed here by the US Coast Guard. I have been married to my husband Chris since 2005, and we are the proud parents of three sons - Jack, Ben, and Sam. I hold a degree in Education from Iona University in New Rochelle, New York and currently work at Ward Elementary in CCISD. I am a dedicated volunteer in various community organizations, including Moms Demand Action, where I serves as the local Elections Lead and a member of the BeSMART for Kids team. Additionally, I manage the Freeman Library Bookstore (please bring us your gently used books!), and serve on the Freeman Library Board. I am also the advocacy chair for the Ward Elementary PTA, and recently became a precinct chair for 473 in Clear Lake.
I am passionate about protecting public schools, funding special education, advocating for women's reproductive rights, and addressing gun violence in our communities. My involvement with Bay Area Democratic Movement since 2021, and serving as the Membership Chair has been such a fulfilling experience.
Being that I am a native New Yorker, the last place I ever thought I’d grow deeply fond of is Texas! This is largely in thanks to groups like BADM, and the amazing friends and community I have grown to know and love here in Houston.
Copyright © 2017 BADM All Rights Reserved
24 Nov 2024
Bay Area Democratic Movement
PO Box 590383
Houston, Tx 77259