Minutes of Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership Meeting
12 November 2024 - Krist Law Firm
Meeting was opened at 7:05 by John Cobarruvias
• -Words about election and where we are today
• -Recognized all veterans & Veterans Day
Called up Kim Krist & Flora Gill BADM Voter Outreach Co-Chairs
• Silver lining in election: 5/6 dem. Senate races won in swing states
• First 2 black female senators elected at same time to serve simultaneously,
• 1st Korean American senator elected,
• 1st openly transgender elected to serve in congress,
• Harris County wins and precincts that shifted to D, 53 HD 129 precincts voted in % higher than Harris County average 0f 58%
Colin Allred organizer/staffer Katie Nichols spoke and thanked her volunteers
Kayla Alix spoke about the BADM holiday party
Rep. Ann Johnson introduced by John Cobarruvias
Rep Ann Johnson spoke for 20 minutes and then took 10 minutes of questions
• She talked about the history of her seat, how she fights for rights of all, our public schools etc.
• Talked about history of vouchers push by republicans
Mohammed Nasrullah spoke 3 minutes on bus tour by Amnesty Int’l about local pollution
Drawing for door prizes (2 books on Native American history)
Rep Ann Johnson pulled tickets
John C gave closing reminded about Holiday party December 10th
Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm
Minutes of Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership Meeting
8 October 2024 - Krist Law Firm
The Acting President called the meeting to order at 7:02PM
• President welcomed everyone
• Two weeks until early voting starts
• Former BADM President is having surgery so keep him in your thoughts
• Announced the Early Vote Rally
• Will have a drum line from Community Center to Park by Courthouse
• We want a big group to march with us and drumline for this event
• The date is Saturday, October 26th from 10 – Noon
• Want a good crowd to show our democratic strength
• There are yard signs here tonight and at Dem Headquarters as well
Voter Outreach Report – Kim and Flora:
• 16,000 door hangers distribution during block-walking thanks to so many volunteers – still some block-walking left to do on Wednesday at 4PM and Sunday at 3:30PM
• 5,000 post cards were written and mailed to newly registered voters
• 2500 letters going out to folks who live in apartments and gated communities
• 1700 letters for Mohammed to the Muslim community
• 3000 letters to women with specific history on women’s issues (to women of reproductive age)
• Still need volunteers to put letters in envelope
• Need stamps as well, and this packaging process starts Friday
• Precinct Chairs were congratulated for doing their own precinct block-walking
• There will be an election watch party with more information to come soon
The acting president then asked all those with Green Cards to go to Ronnie Krist office and the Yellow Card folks to the meeting room in the back. Those with no cards remain in the main meeting room area. Judicial Candidates and DA candidate will be rotating through the three rooms with information about their current elected positions or position they’re running for. (Three or Four candidates per room at a time)
Candidate and Incumbents participating in the ‘education’ panels:
• Justice Megan Hassan of 14th Court of Appeals, Place 6
• Judge Nata Cornelio, 351st (Felony) Court
• Lillian Alexander 507th Family Court
• Denise Brown 127th Civil District Court
• Nicole Perdue 133rd Civil District Court
• Judge Fran Watson Probate Court #5
• Sean Teare DA Candidate
• Dayna Steele Candidate for Us Rep. District 36
• Sheriff Ed Gonzales running again for Sheriff
The members all came back together into the main meeting room where we had door prizes drawing
Meeting was adjourned at 8:34PM
Ann Hammond
Secretary, BADM
Minutes of Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership Meeting
10 Sep 2024 - Krist Law Firm
The President called the meeting to order at 7:01PM
President welcomed everyone
Thanked the Krist family for letting us use the facility to hold our meetings
Sam Alix, former BADM President, asked for Veterans to be recognized and asked for moment of silence in memory of 9-11. He continued that the future belongs to change agents – we have nothing to go back to and we are looking forward and change. Be optimistic and be the change that we want to see.
Kim Krist talked about the passing of a long-time member of the Dem Party and the BADM Club, Johnny Peden.
Voter Outreach Report – Kim and Flora:
• 16,000 door hangers for distribution during block walking
• 5,000 post cards being written and more than 1,000 have been written and mailed
• Fliers and letters going out as well
• Postcards are at headquarters if you want to write them
• Passed around a sign-up sheet for block walking interest
The President commented on something her sister would say, ‘Don’t look behind you – that’s not where you’re headed.’ She then talked about the opening of the Headquarters.
The President then introduced the first speaker: Teneshia Hudspeth, Harris County Clerk.
• We have a fight on our hands
• Democrats ‘fight’ Cheer
• Has worked in County Clerks office for 19 years
• She was elected in 2020 as the County Clerk
• First women of color (and the youngest) elected
• Thanks Club for supporting her in her run for office
• This is a Texas vs Harris County fight because Harris County is going to flip the state so GOP is doing everything to keep that from happening
• Election Administrator – one county was targeted (Harris) – and the only black woman clerk of 250 in the state
• We saw successful six back-to-back elections this year
• Discussed her office processes and also introduced Annette Ramirez who was running for Tax Assessor-Collector
• October 7 last day to register to vote
• Voters make sure to check voter status ASAP
• Whole new voting system
• Need for Poll workers
• October 25th last day to receive mail-in ballot applications
• She just got money for enough equipment for all elections in the future
• Next week her office is testing the system
• Mail out starts weekend of September 28-29 for ballots
• Mail-in ballot tracker for use by ballot by mail voters
Q&A –
• Answered question on mail in ballot size envelopes – she said it has been corrected
• She recommended everyone check voter status or local platform vs state platform
• Early Voting starts October 21 7am – 7pm
• November 5 7am -7pm
• 80 early voting locations
• 700 locations on election day
• She had everyone take out phone and go to harrisvotes.com and go to link to voter registrar and to verify voter status.
President introduced 2nd speaker – Annette Ramirez, candidate for Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector
• She has been property tax attorney for 23 years
• This is only county that doesn’t allow payment plan – you have to go delinquent first then set up payment plan; she wants to fix that
• No education coming from that office now
• Plans on making changes to tax code
• If you’re on the suspense list, you can still vote but also go ahead and update if you’re on the suspended list
• Any individual can challenge residency of anyone and that will put them on suspense list
• If you don’t vote in elections for several cycles, you can be taken off rolls or put on suspense list
• Harris County Appraisal District does appraisal – the Tax Assessor-Collector sends out the bill
Walk-on elected/candidate speakers:
• Dr. Carla Wyatt – Harris County Treasurer
• Sallie Alcorn – City Council
• Delores Lozano – Justice of the Peace
8:00PM – Meeting adjourned and members watched the Presidential Debate
Ann Hammond, Secretary
Minutes of Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership Meeting
13 Aug 2024 - Krist Law Firm
President called the meeting to order at 7:04PM
President recognized:
• Board Members of BADM
• Kim and Scott Krist for sharing their office space with us
• Newcomers (first time attendees)
• Announced the recent passing of Sheila Jackson Lee and Clarice Blanks
o Kayla Alix said it is an immense loss for our club and expressed some very kind words in memory of Clarice
Voter Engagement and Outreach – Kim Krist & Flora Gill
• We had six elections this year and block walked them all
• John Cobarruvias is leading the grand opening of our Democratic Headquarters on August 25th
o Asked for volunteers to do various jobs
o Passed around a signup sheet for the jobs
o There is a sign-up sheet for block walking, writing postcards or shift work at Headquarters
• Announced the How to Talk to Voters training on August 26th at Noon (lunch provided)
Membership – Rebecca Perkins asked for volunteers for shift work at headquarters to sign-up
• Hours are 11 AM – 6 PM Weekdays and 11 AM – 4 PM Saturdays
• There are morning and afternoon shifts
• Referred attendees to review the handout in their chairs/tables at the meeting
• Let Rebecca know if you’re interested in working shifts at the Headquarters
• Volunteers will sell yard signs, sway and hand out information
The President encouraged everyone to sign up for any or all of these activities.
The President introduced the first speaker, Katherine Culbert – the Democratic candidate for Railroad Commissioner.
• She has worked in the Oil and Gas Industry for 20 years
• Interested in protecting workers/community/environment
• Because she works in oil and gas, she knows what they do and don’t do and that’s why she’s running
• Current commissioners are more interested in politics than regulation of industry
• Talked about the Chevron move to Texas from California because Texas has less regulations
• Thinks the Railroad Commission needs someone to ask questions about what they are doing and she can do that.
• The Commission does all their business in one hour a month even though they have a 66-page agenda
• The Railroad Commission is an important agency and people need to know what they are doing and they (Commission) need to publish what they do in both English and Spanish
Questions related to drones flying over blown out wells; the Texas Grid; number of Commissioners and their term of office and the staffing level; and Renewables
The President introduced the second speaker, Judge of 281st Civil District Court and Candidate for the Texas Supreme Court, Christine Weems – noting that she has already been recognized by Texas Monthly as a Democrat to Watch.
• She is a child of immigrants – parents on last flight out of Viet Nam
• We are on the cusp of reclaiming our time (things aren’t the way they used to be)
• She gave background of how she became a judge (when her family wanted her to be a doctor like the rest of them were)
• Talked about importance of running for the position and really ‘Run for it!’
• Talked in general terms about her cases that went to the Supreme Court
• It’s been more than 30 years since a Democrat has had a seat on the Supreme Court
• Mentioned there are positions for the 1st and 14th Court of Appeals and their importance
• She stressed the importance of voting all the way down the ballot
The President called up the pop-in candidates who were attending the meeting
• Brendetta Scott – 1st Court of Appeals, Place 2
• Amber Boyd-Cora – 1st Court of Appeals, Place 9
• Velda Renita Faulkner – 14th Court of Appeals, Place 3
• Doug Peterson – Texas HD 129
President announced that the next meeting is September 10, with Harris County Clerk, Teneshia Hudspeth and candidate for Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector, Annette Ramirez as speakers. Then we will have a Debate Watch Party following the meeting at 8 PM.
Door Prize drawings
Meeting adjourned at 8:18 PM
Ann Hammond, BADM Secretary
Minutes of Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership Meeting
11 June 2024 - Krist Law Firm
Bay Area Democratic Movement Membership Meeting
June 11, 2024, Krist Law Firm
The President called the meeting to order at 7:07 PM:
• Thanked Kim and Scott Krist for opening up the meeting space to the Club
• Announced that we’re celebrating PRIDE month – and that we celebrate PRIDE every day here
• June 19th at the Davenport Martini Br we’re going to the Drag Queen Bingo night
• On Saturday June 15th, Galveston/Houston parades for Juneteenth celebration
• Information on Juneteenth on the 15 and 19th, go to the Galveston Website
• Kayla and Karen announced the Club Bowling Tournament to raise funds for our Headquarters
o July 21st in Pasadena at the Armadillo Lanes, 3 – 5 in the afternoon
• One of our members and supporters, Iris, passed away yesterday
The president invited Kim and Flora to discuss Democratic Convention and Voter Outreach
• Kim said that seven of our members were planning to attend the convention next week in El Paso and said the next one is in Corpus Christi and encouraged everyone who could to attend
• Flora reminded everyone to vote in the HCAD runoff on Saturday
o There are two Democrats in the runoff
o A clipboard was circulating the room so folks could sign up to work a shift on election day
o August will be the election GOTV Campaign
The president announced the Chuck Crews, 128, Birthday fund raiser is June 20th at The Hop (Jordon, his representative was in attendance)
The president welcomed the new BADM Vice President, Sarah Blog.
The president then introduced Dr. Cody Pyke as our speaker by reading their impressive bio/resume.
Dr. Pyke
• Dr. Cody Pyke is a non-binary, transgender person
• Dr. Pyke is a Healthcare and Litigation attorney and first transgender person and first non-binary to serve on the Board of Health for Harris County.
• Dr. Pyke stated the disclaimers and Disclosures ahead of the presentation
• Harris Health is hospital system as well – Level 1 trauma – too few of these in Texas
• Had members do a ‘pretend’ exercise about what we see if we had no information about their bio when we look at them
▪ People don’t see the person that they are
• Discussed Gender Affirming Care (GAC) in Texas – what it is and what it is not
▪ There is a range of social, psychological, behavioral and medical intervention in GAC to support individuals.
▪ It is essential care
▪ It is not a ‘fad’
▪ Feeling safe helps trans be themselves
• Discussed TX Legislation
▪ 140 anti LGBTQ+ Bills filed (1/5th of all state level in the US)
▪ SB 14 prohibits GAC for anyone under 18
▪ Violation of SB14 penalizes physicians and revocation of medical license in Texas.
▪ Next Legislative Session
• Expect more attacks on LGBTQ+
• Bans, restrictions or anything that can be written
• Bill 1029 (SB14 for adults)
• No adult on public health care cannot get this help
• Since private sector insurance follow public health insurance there’s not healthcare
• More book bans
• More creative cruelty
▪ ‘Trans Joy” in particular, can be revolutionary in and of itself
▪ Is there a support group for trans children to turn to for help?
▪ There are some but often informal ‘mentoring’ programs
o It is not the responsibility of the oppressed to educate the oppressors
o Banning books takes away identity of young people who are identifying as that
o Some have created fake organizations that agree to and own homophobic history
▪ ACP – American College of Physicians
▪ AAP -American Association of Pediatricians
President thanked Dr. Pyke and then introduced ‘New Faces of Pride’ founder, Brian Cotton
Brian Cotton
▪ Is veteran community leader
▪ Has built a diverse board that looks like the city it represents
▪ Has made transparency a priority
▪ ‘Tony’s Place and ‘Montrose Place’
▪ Has a $13M budget
▪ They have a non-profit Happy Hour to help small safe places every month
▪ June 22 at City Hall – a PRIDE event 7:30 – 10PM parade and post Houston party 9 – 11PM
▪ Nice diverse lineup with drag queens, ABC 13, et al
o Newfacesofpride.org
The president then introduced Dayna Steele who is running against Brian Babin in 36th Congressional District
▪ The importance of down ballot - Democrats were helped when she ran last time
▪ Is not raising money…just using social media and reaching out to news media
▪ Issues are: food security, homeless, women’s rights, care givers and long-term care
(she complimented Flora and said she should run for something)
Pop-in candidates were invited to speak for one minute
▪ HCAD candidate, Melissa Noriega
▪ TX 14 Candidate Rhonda Hart (running against Randy Weber)
▪ Justice Richard Hightower – Appellate Court of Appeals (covers 10 counties)
The president announced that the Club’s Assistant Treasurer position is open and board is looking for a candidate
Kayla Alix announced that June 12 is Texas Women’s Veteran’s Day
Door Prizes drawing
Meeting adjourned at 8:42PM
Ann Hammond, Secretary, Bay Area Democratic Movement
Minutes of Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership Meeting
14 May 2024 - Krist Law Firm
Bay Area Democratic Movement Membership Meeting
May 14, 2024, Krist Law Firm
President called the meeting to order at 7:02PM
President thanked:
all the members who were chili cooks for the cook-off tonight
Kim and Scott Krist for sharing their office space with us.
Gene Fisseler for touring the members who did the Armand Bayou Pontoon Boat tour last month
Announcements by President:
Recognized the BADM Board members in attendance.
Acknowledged that two members who had been very ill were now better and one was even in attendance.
Announced a town hall meeting coming soon on the rising home insurance rates and stated more information would be coming soon. Elected officials have been invited to this meeting.
One of our members will be having surgery this week so keep her in thought and prayers
May Birthdays announced and recognized.
Roger Boykins, a veteran and BAND President, recognized. He spoke on meaning of Memorial Day and some historical information about when it started and known as Decoration Day in 1868.
Another Board member spoke about a Veteran’s Memorial Service at 9AM and the Memorial Wall for Vietnam Veterans.
Mother’s Day coming up honoring all those who mother.
Acknowledged Asian American Heritage Month
Acknowledged Cinco de Mayo recognizing the cultural influence in our country
Voter Outreach – Kim Krist & Flora Gill
Too many elections this year.
Thanked all who supported by block walking, texting, calling, etc. to support candidates in all of the elections and runoffs.
Recognized Lorena Durrant who had very large precinct who walked it twice
Recognized Mohammed Nasrullah for reaching to all the Muslim members in his precinct.
Turnout for HCAD was 1% but in his precinct, 8%
Everywhere in our area numbers were way higher than the rest of the county 4% - 8%
In CCISD School Board race every precinct that we walked, Albert Wittliff won. He won the east side of I45.
Rosie was given her election support award from last month
The President then introduced the Harris County Democratic leader, Mike Doyle, as our speaker for the evening.
Mike Doyle:
He commented that there had been 14 months of events and that we should be proud about what we did and especially to Bettencourt in HCAD election.
He took $5M to set up this special little election
HC Dems are supporting the two who got into the runoff
1.1M is goal for the Democratic Voters
If we keep building turnout and the organization is built
Volunteer engagement is important and organized
Nine paid staff
Three are focused on youth engagement
TSU has a Dem Club organized now
Paid canvassing started in January
181,000 in six Houston districts that are our “arrow”
Every single data point in area gets everything
Since January, $20 per hour, 20 hours per week, volunteers are going into these low vote areas and have gone these 18,000 voters
There are six – eight touches for these communities
Relational block walking
First three months they’ve been asked what do you care about and so they now know what they care about – mostly infrastructure
Doing focus groups to get into the issues
If we find out their most important issues, we call back and tell them what Biden’s policy is on that issue
We are listening and caring about the voters
The gap we are talking about is the closer than the gap Georgia had in the last election
Harris County Dems are going to fully fund REACH
Working really hard to get some big names for JRR in October
It is hard work that is going to do it for the next election
mike@harrisdemocrats.org or derrick@harrisdemocrats.org
Mike announced the State Convention luncheon on Friday – two events scheduled with 600 democrats registered from Harris County
President introduced Leticia Gutierriz from Air Alliance - Environmental Justice organization as our next speaker.
Leticia Gutierriz
Stated up front that Air Alliance Houston does not endorse candidates
Her background is international finance
Her son suffered with breathing problems because of where they live and that is how she got started working this problem
There are cancer clusters for example
We can’t get the businesses to abide by the current laws
SB 471 seeks to penalize communities that submit environmental complaints
Increase buffer zones from the 440 yards now prescribed
97% emissions go unpenalized and our tax payers end up being the clean-up crew
Project 11 is widening and deepening of the ship channel but they want to dump the dredge spoils into our communities and there are no laws requiring them to test the dredge spoils
They do have to test for marine life if they dump in ocean so they want to dump in local communities instead
Ground pollution and air pollution impact us all
FYI - less than 10% plastics actually get recycled
Our mayor gave Exxon permission to expand plastic recycle
The way we can get involved is ask your legislator where they stand on this issue and then hold them accountable
Children’s health is number one issue
Air Alliance is a small non-profit organization.
Airalliancehouston.org - leticia@airalliancehouston.org
President presented candidates in the meeting tonight introduced:
Albert Wittliff – CCISD District 3 candidate
Yen Rabe – MUD district candidate
Meg Poissant – 14 Court of Appeals, Place 8
Doug Peterson – HD 129
Judge Denise Brown, 127th Civil Court
Delores Lozano – Justice of the Peace
Door Prize drawings
Roger Boykins spoke for a minute on the passing of Rev. Lawson and about services next week for him
NAMI Walk comment from Darcy Trueham, 281-508-6946
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM
Minutes of Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership Meeting
9 Apr 2024 - Krist Law Firm
Bay Area Democratic Movement Membership Meeting
April 9, 2024 - Krist Law Firm
The President called the meeting to order at 7:06 PM.
Announced membership dues for 2024 are currently due
These dues help support our headquarters for election cycle
Provided funds for material for current elections as well
The Club has new SWAG items for sale – t-shirts and water bottles
Club field trips planned to Armand Bayou this month
Two pontoon boat cruises – 3 PM and 6 PM on Sunday April 21
A club member, Gene Fisseler will be the tour guide for us
Four seats left for the 6 PM cruise
Five seats left for the 3 PM cruise
Announced signup sheet available for Take Down duties for Hospitality Job
There is a Doug Peterson Kick-off event on April 20, cost is $25 at Lukas BBQ
He is the Dem candidate for HD 129
Kim and Flora provided election information about the upcoming elections in May
May 4 is CCISD and HCAD
May 28 is Dem Primary runoff
Check the fliers in the chairs and table for additional information
Clear Brook MUD election in also on May 4
Check your city elections too - city council positions elections are also in May
April Birthdays were recognized
Recognized Veterans
Recognized last day of Ramadan
April 22 is Earth Day
Will do pop-in candidate intros at the end of the meeting
Announced judicial speakers for this evening – Specialty Court Programs
Judges Finch and Nelson – Fresh Start Program
Doing this program in addition to the court they were elected to
Restorative arm of Court
Plead guilty – terms of service satisfied - but now unable to get a job so they want to help people get a ‘fresh start’ in life
Done in partnership with the Justice Department
Four times a year
200 people at a time
They can petition for non-disclosure
Starting with low-level felonies
Involves GED and Work force concerns
Mental Health Court
Handles people who have mental health issues
If competent, you can get into the court
If not competent you are sent to the Mental Health Court
Determining to ’restore or unlikely to restore’ to mental health
Insanity pleas go to mental health court
Felony mental health and have pled guilty already - 3 certain diagnosis, one of the three required
Check-in requirements have to be met
Q&A – only one question
Sober Court – Judge Raul Rodriguez -HC #13
Saving ourselves by recovery and education (DWI’s)
Deals with misdemeanors
Harris County leads the natin in DWI’s - in arrests and commission
Geared for individuals that are repeat offenders – 2nd DWI’s or more
Trying to provide these individuals with rehabilitation options instead of incarceration
Have good success rate – 85% graduate and maintain their situation
Four Sober Courts in Harris County and he handles the Spanish speaking Court
Veteran’s Court – Judge Andrea Bell
Work with Honorably discharged Vets, General discharge and Active Vets
Mental or head injury problems or have pled guilty
Defense Bar at each meeting
Clinical psych on staff
DA and others in VA work and serve the 40 veterans in a 4-phase program
Participants had to meet to show they are sober and compliant with the program requirements
Resources are provided to get them what they need to be successful
They can graduate to next level and meet only once-a-month vs twice a month visit
Funding question – Federally funded through VA
When started – 2009
Youth Court – T’Iva Bell
Kids 17-25 (Pilot program was 17-19)
Serious cases and pled guilty
Have to apply and judge, attorney all have to agree for you to apply
Have to have clinical assessment
Go before committee
If community says OK, you can start to earn probation
Commissioners, police officers, mentors in profession you want to do that you’ve told them that you want to do
Once you check off metrics you are good to go – college one year and a year on the job to get on the way to probation
Only ten in program to start
Q&A – Any military tract – not yet
Judge T’Iva Bell also talked about the runoff election and how important it is – it matters and Go Vote!
All the judges were then brought up to front of the meeting and more Q&A time was offered.
Candidates were introduced:
Gemayel Haynes – 486 Criminal Court
Annette Ramirez – Harris County Tax Assessor/Collector
Velda Faulkner- 14th Court of Appeals
Yen Rabe – Clear Brook MUD
Albert Wittliff – CCISD District 4 Candidate
Doug Peterson – HD129 candidate
Door Prizes drawing
Next meeting is May 15th with RR Commissioner Candidate and Harris County Dem Chair, Mike Doyle
Cinco de Mayo event announced at the Unitarian Church
Meeting adjourned at 8:36 PM
Ann Hammond, Secretary, BADM
Minutes of Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership Meeting
12 Mar 2024 - Krist Law Firm
Bay Area Democratic Movement Membership Meeting
March 12, 2024 - Krist Law Firm
The President called the meeting to order at 7:12 PM.
Thanked everyone for showing up tonight
Thanked Kim and Scott Krist for opening up their office for our meetings
Thanked Board members
Recognized March Birthday members
Announced that one of our members had passed away – Alfred Carpenter, a Navy Veteran
Honored all veterans
Announced Chili Cook off Winners
1. Chili number2 – Rick
2. Chili number 3 – Carla
3. Chili number 1 – Tracey
People’s Choice -Chili number 8– John
President introduced the three Chili Judges
Doug Peterson – Candidate ruing for HD129
Rhonda Hard – Candidate for Congressional District 14
Arturo Sanchez- CCISD Board President
Each candidate discussed specifics of positions they’re running for
Arturo talked about status of CCISD – mentioning the VATRE and Bonds that recently passed and impact to budget. VATRE is not enough to cover future shortfalls – inflation as hit the district very hard.
He also mentioned the May 4th Election – 3 seats are up for this term, but only one drew an opponent, District 4
Early voting starts April 22 with May 4 election day
Chili trophy handed out
Announced that $71. Donated to chili cups will be used for help pay for Dem Headquarters
Voter Outreach co-chairs reported on primary election:
Printed 6,000 fliers
10,500 people reached
40 of the 63 precincts in our area covered
30 races contested
20 won that we supported
Kim thanked block walkers and recognized special campaign workers
Sarah Blog
Rosie Flannigan
Dem runoff in three races – information coming out soon on these and CCISD race as well
The President introduced the guest speaker, Elizabeth Weller and asked everyone to keep conversations down in other area of the law firm so everyone could hear.
Elizabeth Weller - plaintiff in the abortion access lawsuit against the state of Texas
In 2022 was pregnant with first child – very positive and optimistic about it
A day after celebrating Mother’s Day her water broke – she was only about three months along
They went to ER
Doctor said that in fact her water did break and that there was nothing they could do
Primary doctor finally agreed that she had lost all amniotic fluid
However, 24 weeks is point of viability and given so many negative options
Bottom line - no way to save the baby
Her only choice was to put her life at risk now
They were using the term ‘early delivery’ – even though they knew her daughter wouldn’t live
She was given two awful choices (for a return to hospital)
Send her home for 5 days and check temperature ever two hours and if temp reach 103
If discharge became so awful smelling that she would gag
She lasted five days and both conditions were met
Her doctor convened board meeting at hospital and the board had a patient advocate speak on her behalf and the Board gave them permission to give her the abortion to save her life.
How did she get involved in lawsuit?
She had interviews all over the world especially because if this could happen in America, it could happen in other parts of the world.
There was an emergency injunction in Austin filed but it only lasted for 24 hours (to stop mandate on no abortions)
Texas is not pro-life – it is pro-torture.
How can we help?
We need more doctors like her doctor to advocate for their patients
We have to keep energizing ourselves to get the needle to move
Women need to get really mad and stand up and keep your rights and we need to not stop until it happens.
Argument of liability is the law – not the hospital
The members gave Ms. Weller a Standing Ovation!
President thanked the speaker again
Announcements: April 21 Armand Bayou Cruise two trips on pontoon boat at 3:30PM – 5:30PM and 6PM to 8PM
Candidate at meeting got to speak for a few minutes
Albert Wittliff – CCISD, District 4 Trustee
Discussed why he is running
Gave a short bio of his work history and personal history
Door Prize drawing
Next meeting is April 9th
Minutes of Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership Meeting
14 Nov 2023 - Krist Law Firm
Vice President, Karen Wolfe called meeting to order at 7:01PM
The VP:
• Welcomed everyone
• Honored all Veterans and families of Veterans
• Discussed election results and recognized BADM Block walkers
• Reminded everyone of the Houston Runoff Election on December 9 –
o Mentioned that all four At-Large City Council and Comptroller races have an extreme Republican opponent
o Noted that all precincts that BADM walked, doubled the Houston rate of voter turnout
o Need to mobilize next week for the runoff election
• Called up Runoff candidate that was present:
o Richard Cantu – At-Large 3 candidate – talked about who had endorsed him and some family background as well as his 30-year career with City of Houston and working under two mayors. He called for volunteers to help with block walking after Thanksgiving.
• Talked about the Mayoral race and reminded club members that the club had endorsed Sheila Jackson Lee
• Called up Mohammed Nasrullah who represented Runoff candidate, Letitia Plummer, At-Large 4 Candidate and informed members of a 6 PM Meet and Greet at the Multi-Cultural Center tomorrow, Nov 15th. He commented that her opponent was an anti-immigrant, homophobic candidate.
• Had Kim Krist read message that Nick Hellyar, At-Large 2 Candidate, had sent to her since he was unable to attend the meeting. He was very complimentary of BADM support (block walking for him and with him) and asked for our help again in the runoff.
• Called on Melanie Miles, At-Large 1 candidate, who spoke about her candidacy and was thrilled to have BADM support and asked everyone to come out and vote in the runoff. She thanked club members and said she was looking forward to representing us.
• Announced the Club December 12 Holiday Party at the law firm.
o Dinner at 6:30 PM
o Drag show with two performers
o Three Veteran families adopted for gift donations
o BATP Christmas list for families
• Introduced the Armand Bayou Nature Center (ABNC) Director, Tim Pylate, and pointed out the importance of it in Precinct 2.
ABNC – Tim Pylate
• He identified himself as a Yellow Dog Dem who lives in Pearland
• Referred to the ABNC as an Urban Wilderness
• His mission is to protect the habitat and educate public of its importance
• It was established in 1947 and waters have been maintained since then and not ‘modified’
• Things happening there include;
o Hiking trails
o Pontoon Boat Tours
o Live animals
o Birding
o Historic Martyn Farm
• He gave history of the ABNC – e.g., was originally called ‘Middle Bayou’ and renamed for Armand Yramategui after his death
• Three major eco-systems there
• Small bayou until last 30 years; because of subsidence, the bayou has widened and they’ve had to plan marsh grasses that have been ‘drowned out’
• Original 9M total acres - but only 1% left is historical coastal prairie (60 miles inland)
• Four square miles of sponge – 1M gallons per acre for flood mitigation
• Habitat for 370 different species of birds – noted that Osprey were back now as well as the American Bald Eagle
• A number of American River Otters are at the ABNC
• ABNC hopes to purchase 1000 acres from Exxon that is last of green space in the area
• About to celebrate their 50th year anniversary next year.
Q&A Session held with membership
VP called up other candidates in attendance:
• Lillian Alexander – 507th Family District Court on the March 2024 Ballot
• Ashley Mays Guice – Harris County Criminal Court #16, currently filling in position vacated in HCC #3
• Chavon Carr – Probate Court #5 Judge
• Carvana Cloud – 488th Court (a new Court) - She previously ran for DA in the last DA election
• Dayna Steele – Running for Congressional District #36: Kim Krist show a quick video from the Candidate
VP Karen announced that Rhonda Hart needed a treasurer for her campaign against Randy Weber
VP Karen asked for anyone interested in screening candidates to sign up for the spring election coming up
Door Prize drawings
VP thanked Kim and Scott Krist for letting the club use this nice facility for our meetings
Bob Tomlinson mentioned UNICEF Jars on tables were for helping fund children in need of help in war zones.
Meeting adjourned 8:15 PM
Minutes of Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership Meeting
13 Feb 2024 - Krist Law Firm
The President called the meeting to order at 7:09 PM.
Welcomed all first-time attendees
Recognized President’s Day
Recognized former BADM President, Sam Alix, and all the Veterans in attendance
Recognized February as Black History Month and introduced Kayla Alix to share insight into Black History
Kayla talked about Ida B. Wells – an African American journalist, champion of women’s right to vote and a delegate for Illinois (where in 1920 right to vote passed)
Roger Boykins rose to announce a Gregory Library event on Black History. He will send to president to share in e-blast
‘Find your way to Black History’ and so BADM has planned a trip to Juneteenth Museum at end of the month (Feb 24th)
Sign-up sheet available at meeting and at link in the newsletter
Candidate, Te’iva Bell presented the importance of voting all the way down the ballot. Down the ballot benches are very important. Almost every Civil Court and Appellate Court in that list. Values need to be respected and the closer to the bottom of the ballot, the closer to your pocketbook and community Our future is on the ballot.
President introduced the Speaker, Candidate for DA, Sean Teare
He was prosecutor (not currently) for eleven years and supervised hundreds of prosecutors and loves the office
You swear to do the right thing all the time and not just for the Judges but the victim and community
The programs that he plans to do to fix should have been going on under this DA position.
Satellite Courts in the Community
They will be stacked with drug counselors and other resources to help give people another path
He talked about his mother, when he was 15 and all the problems she encountered – and ultimately her death
He wants to make the system equitable - because of his experience as a young white male and the breaks he got as a result of just that status
The Intake Process needs to be revised
The gatekeepers were taken out under current DA/Ogg
He talked about his opponent:
He complemented Judge Bell
His opponent has made victims of the elected judges and most the attacks are lies
There is nothing in the Texas Constitution that allows a Judge to hold someone with no Bond without Prosecution
Talked about rules for Bonds
The $1. Cases are the result of the DA not indicting the case within 90 days
Her personal fight with Judge Lina Hidalgo where she hired top GOP lawyer at $450/hour on that one case ($175K over 9 months)
Three County employees got hurt in that case
She gave the GOP oxygen
His opponent has the endorsement of the MAGA club of Houston – C Club
Equal Justice is his mantra – and police differently.
The President opened up the floor for questions:
What can he do about the awful laws coming from Austin
SB 4 Question
He will be an advocate for these issues in Austin – and we will have to get Roe written into Law. Told of his personal experience with his wife having miscarriages and needing D&Cs.
The President then invited all the candidates that were present to speak:
Juan Aguirre – Criminal Court 16
Lilly Alexander – 507th Family Court
Kyle Carter – 125th Civil Court
Bil Burch Representative – RR Commissioner
Tracy Good – 333rd Civil Court
Meghan Hassan – 14th Court of Appeals, Place 6
Gemayel Haynes – 486th Criminal Court
Peter Kelly – Probate 5
Troy Moore – 129th Civil Court
Doug Peterson – State Rep. District 129
Annette Ramirez – County Tax Assessor
Mark Ritchie – 14th Court of Appeals, Place 3
Rhonda Hart – US House Rep. 14th District
Charles Spain – 15th Court of Appeals, Place 4
Mike Engelhart representative – 151st Civil Court
Fran Watson – Probate 5
President thanked Sabrina Lee for her work with judges.
Kim Krist, Voter Outreach and Candidate Support, asked for volunteers for Clerks to support the election.
President announced Ann Hammond received the Governors Volunteer Lifetime Achievement Award
Drawing for door prizes
Voting Day information provided
Kim and Flora, both Voter Outreach and Candidate Support board members, talked about block walking and that it was not knocking on doors this time, just door hangers, and they are putting together packets for the block walkers starting this coming weekend.
President asked candidates to leave and invited any nonvoting attendees to leave or stay while voting club members voted on candidate endorsements
The president went over the endorsement slides names candidates for each position.
The president reviewed the endorsement process
Voting first on the Judicial positions.
There was one question on 165th Civil Court where there was no Endorsement. Screeners were not available for both candidates, so we did not endorse either candidate.
The vote was unanimous for judicial positions presented.
Voting on county positions next;
No Questions
The vote was unanimous for county positions.
Voting on State Positions was next
Senate race was pulled
Pro and Con debate on recommended endorsement candidate, Gutierrez vs the new recommended candidate Allred
Voting took place: 13 for Gutierrez and 24 for Allred
Allred will be the new BADM recommended candidate for endorsement for the club
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM
Ann Hammond, BADM Secretary
Minutes of Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership Meeting
10 Oct 2023 - Krist Law Firm
The President called the meeting to order at 7:02PM
The president:
Began with the statement, “It takes courage to run.” He then acknowledged candidates who were there having courage to run for office.
Called for no divisiveness – when someone is in need – we will help. We are here for all our community.
Called for a moment of silence for those who are enduring war for everywhere it is in the world.
Acknowledged petitions being passed around by candidates and encouraged members to sign.
Recognized October birthdays…and called out Bob Tomlinson who just turned 82.
Thanked Scott and Kim Krist for welcoming our club in this great meeting space.
This is space to recharge for when we go out and hit the battlefield
Announced BADM supports the Bay Area Turning Point (BATP) and introduced Brenda Sykes.
Brenda said she is a prevention person and education lead and spoke about the BATP providing services for victims of domestic violence for more than >30 years.
She announced that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month noting that domestic violence is everywhere.
The Texas Council on Domestic Violence Reports every October with stats:
215 Texans murdered by someone who loved them in 2022
51 in Harris County (24%)
96% killed by firearms
38 additional people who were killed in firearm incidents
Those killed were 13 – 80 years in age
Brenda introduced Shirley, a mother whose daughter was killed a few years ago.
In Oct 2020 her 30-year-old daughter with two young children was killed by her husband.
He was on the run for about a year and when caught, he killed himself
The Walk on October 21st of this year is in honor of her daughter
She introduced Melissa
Melissa reported that no gun reform legislation passed this year.
Requested that folks call legislators on bills that will impact their issues
Discussion about the BATP Gala this month and that only four tables were left.
The President and his wife pledged $1000
Kim Krist pledged $1000 as well
The President called on BADM secretary to report on CCISD upcoming election items
Ann Hammond talked about the VATRE and two Bonds on the Ballot for CCISD and the importance of each of these getting passed to keep CCISD the outstanding district we have come to expect.
The President then called on Kayla to introduce the main speaker.
Kayla gave a glowing introduction to the Harris County Attorney, Christian Menefee.
Sam and Christian had a very informative conversation
Christian said he focuses on doing the work of the county
He pointed out that BADM was the first organizations that endorsed him
He gave background information on himself:
Born in Sonoma to a Coast Guard family
They taught him to fight for democracy you want
He said Harris County was on menu for Abbott
We should support our leaders who will fight the negative system (coming from Austin)
He wants to do good for people but if you (Abbott) want to do harm, he will fight for us
He talked about the concrete crushing plants – they put dust particulates in the area that hurts people’s physical well being
Noting that rules are very rigged in Texas for pro-industry
What can we do to support – help
Citizens need to know and they can support/report issues…we have to let them know about the issues and can do something about them
$500M federal dollars came to TX after Harvey for flood mitigation
Harris County got none of it…the most impacted area by the flood (politics)
The county sued and we won that case and got more than $500M
Talked about the Cancer cluster
5th Ward – State Dept of Health officials, ‘legacy creosote’ situation
He filed lawsuit for the city against the company
He discussed goals for Harris County
He gets to sue Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton- He couldn’t stand back and let people’s voting rights be impacted.
Goal is to not be at war every few weeks with Austin
‘We’ are easily most involved
Continue advocacy
Bad republicans elected as well as bad democrats
The way we turn out the vote important
We (BADM) are role-model for how democratic clubs should work
The President thanked Christian Menefee for the conversation and update on his work.
The President told club members that he had cancer and was working on recovery
Q&A session with the Harris County Attorney
He anticipates that after the election, there will again be lawsuits
782 polling sites is huge and county needs 20 volunteers at each site and the opposition is looking for reasons to find fault
The only way he sees to protect trans families is to flip the state
SB1933 – micromanage County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth re checking on voter irregularities
It is up to us to get the party candidates to run and make the state competitive
In response to question on ethics commission not enforcing rules and fines, he said our state is a lawless one
President mentioned Hispanic Heritage Month and info was available in a handout
Kim Krist and Flora Gill talked about Block walkers and offered free t-shirts for new volunteers.
They also talked about and envelope stuffing project
The president did the door prize drawings
President announced a ‘wild out Wednesday’ October 18th at Davenport to play Drag Bingo
Candidates came up to speak for a minute each:
Lillian Alexander – 507th Family Court Judge
Juan Aguilar – County Criminal Court 16
Stacy Barrow -87th District Criminal Court
Dolores Lozano – Pct. 2 Judge
President introduced new Hospitality lead for the BADM club – Pete Moult
The next meeting is November 14 with Tim Pylate of Armand Bayou Nature Center
The BAAD Women meeting is next Thursday the 19th at Clear Lake Park
BAND club meeting is the 17th at Clear Lake Park
Bob Tomlinson wants to start a Wednesday luncheon at Los Ramirez
Someone suggested a bumper sticker for the club
Meeting adjourned at 8:39 PM
Minutes of Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership Meeting
9 Sept 2023
President called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Acknowledged Board members and spouses.
Kim Krist presented John Cobarruvias with an award upon his retirement, honoring his 30 years of service to Democratic clubs.
Moment of Silence for 9/11. Thoughts/suggestions about ways to help Earthquake victims in Libya and Morocco.
Announced Bay Area Turning Point’s 3rd Annual Savannah Memorial 5K on 10/21/23. Opening Ceremony 8:30 AM Forest Park E. Cemetery October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Announced Support Black Businesses Month.
Karla Medlenka: Environmental Moment - Information given on organic means to control weeds/insects
Mentioned harmful chemical death of local baby Eagles in our community.
Mohammad Nasrullah: Clear Lake Islamic Center seeking Volunteer Deputy Voter Registrars for this Friday.
A member spoke suggesting more be done to honor Hispanic Heritage Month and to have more representation from the Hispanic community.
Program began at 7:18 PM - John Cobarruvias introduced main speaker: Dr. Karen Engle CCISD Superintendent.
o Gave an update of CCISD progress and principles Team Looking at CCISD Future (Team of students, administration, Business)
o Reviewed2030 Vision (Pre-K for all, Leader in Me, Redesign Intermediate School Learning Systems, Graduates Profile of a Learner (Students as Communicators/Contributors)
o Ross/Whitcomb two schools which just completed construction projects with 2017 bond funds ()
o School Safety Discussion - Receive $1M but needed/spent $6M 45 Campuses with officer at each campus
o Update on current state legislation with audience question
o Discussion of Funding - running a deficit but low operations cost compared with other districts. Explained the need for a tax increase; will be on November Ballot
o Proposition A: Seeking $17.5M. Will actually reduce tax rate by 14 cents/$670 savings on average tax bill.
o Proposition B: School Improvements ($265M Bond Proposal)
Proposition C: Instructional Technology
o Thanked Ann Hammond for Voter Registration and efforts on the school board.
Question from attendees re: Social media at CCISD for Proposition information, Faith Based Counselor Legislation, (Dr. Engle replied that no school plans to add non-certified counselors, CCISD Leadership Program (Cultural Diversity), plans for replacing busses with environmentally friendly, All Agree Every Child is Important.
Candidates in attendance spoke for 1 minute each – Melanie Miles, Lee Kaplan, Robert Gallegos, Obes, Donnell Cooper, representative of Chris Hollins (who had to leave), Nick Hellyar, Holly Vilaseca, Conchita Reyes, Representative of Sheila Jackson Lee, Sallie Alcorn, Leah Wolfthal.
At 8:00PM, President closed this portion of the meeting by announcing reminder of Juneteenth Museum Night in Galveston and BAAD Women meeting speaker Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth, distributed door prizes and announced next BADM Meeting October 10, 2023.
Birthdays and Anniversary acknowledgements. Last minute candidates Marina Angelica Coryat and Danielle Keys Bess. Announced endorsements were to begin. Candidates and some members left the room.
8:24 PM President recognized screeners and invited Team Leads to the front of the room: John Cobarruvias, Sam Alix, Karen Wolfe and Kim Krist (representing Flora Gill and Ann Hammond)
President explained the BADM endorsement process and presented the 8 recommended candidates. Team Leads gave supporting comments for each recommended candidate.
Member Pete Moult made a motion to pull District E for further discussion. The motion was seconded and passed.
Sabrina Lee made a Motion to endorse the remaining recommended candidates minus District E. Joshua Martin seconded the Motion. It passed unanimously.
Discussion alternating pro and con.
Pete Moult made a motion to pull Candidate for District E from the slate. Nina or Sabrina Lee both seconded the motion. Discussion pro and con.
Karen Wolfe offered an amendment to the motion to not endorse a candidate for City Council District E. Nina Johnston seconded the motion. Discussion alternating pro and con. President then invited anyone to speak.
Sabrina Lee spoke concerning the fact that no asked the candidate’s position on the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) for LGBTQT issues.
Short discussion on possibility of just saying there is no endorsement. Suggestion to only recommend rather than endorse.
Motion made to not endorse - Motion passes.
President adjourned the meeting and some candidates came back into the room.
Submitted by Pete Moult for
Ann Hammond, Secretary
Minutes of Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership Meeting
August 8, 2023
President, Sam Alix, opened meeting at 7:15 PM:
• Started with a moment of silence for the Military and for all who are in need of help
with mental health issues.
• Acknowledge all who had August (and July) birthdays.
• Mentioned the Ohio victory today when their legislature tried to pull a fast one on
the citizens.
o ‘The arc of the universe is long but it bends towards justice.’
• Mentioned that the BADM Exploration Green plaque had been removed from bench
but the club has ordered another to replace it.
• Talked about school supply drive for CCISD schools and another campus downtown
• Mentioned that endorsement screening was on-going
o Voting for recommended candidates for endorsement will be at September 12th
o To vote, must have been a member of BADM since July 1, 2023
• Announced that there are Recycle Bins available on premise and thanked Joe and
Leona Coen for spearheading the effort for BADM.
• Asked Flora Gill to talk for our environmental minute –
o She gave some staggering statistics on plastic – one pound of plastic vs three
pounds of fish in the water
o BADM will work to reduce plastic use at meetings to help make a change in the
• Thanked ‘Rub me Tender’ BBQ team for cooking and serving our meal tonight
o Scott Krist introduced the judges:
▪ Kristi Hawkins – 11th District Court
▪ Bob Shafer – 150th
▪ Mike Englehart- 151st, who complimented Kristin and Bob for their work getting jury
trial back on track during Covid
▪ Donna Roth- 295th
▪ Tonya Garrison – 157th
▪ Te’iva Bell – 339th
• President then called up City Council candidates who were in attendance
o Conchita Reyes, At-Large 1
o Leah Wolfthal Representative - Patricia Alavarez – At-Large 1
o Obes Nwabara – At-Large 2
o Sallie Alcorn – At-Large 5
o Holly Vialseca – At-Large 2
o Melanie Miles – At-Large 1
o Shawn Teare – Harris County DA
o Nick Hellyar – At-Large 2
o Marina Coryat – At-Large 2
•President recognized BADM Board members
•President then introduced Mayoral Candidate, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee
o She thanked the President and Councilwoman Alcorn
o She acknowledged all the other candidates there
o Talked about:
▪ Importance of Port of Houston
▪ Her commitment to the democratic principles
▪ Has Republican allies to help get things done
▪ How she was involved in every single flood recovery
▪ Having a top-notch legal team is important
▪ Knowing how to use the judiciary and other resources to get things for Houston
▪ Her family and 50 years of marriage
▪ The space program and that Clear Lake must be elevated especially
because of NASA
▪ Her desire to amplify our success and resources we have in Houston
▪ Has worked with Bush, Hutchison, Obama the other fella and Biden
▪ Belief that City Council is most important group she will work with
▪ Issues for the city:
• Crime
• Uplift the integration of the police into the neighborhoods where there is high crime
• Work with other police agencies to help with the gun-crime problems
• San Antonio got a grant to open places of faith for after-school programs
• Suggested layered approach – arrest, incarceration and rehabilitation
• Immigration (and had been to Eagle Pass this morning and saw for herself what was
going on there
• Infrastructure needs like drainage, using Sims Bayou as example that she had
been a part of helping fix the bayou problems
▪ Using her bully pulpit for education issues in HISD
• We’ve got to fix HISD – we should invest more in schools and not take them over.
▪ Veterans – Ellington as assets for Houston
• Advocating for PTSD support that not just for military now
▪ Wanting to make the city a Destination City – telling Houston story as a positive
place to be – an Oasis of Inclusion
o In closing, ‘we are in this together – if you want to go into the future, come ride
with me.’
• The president offered a Q&A option to members:
o Education and government issue question
o Crime issue question
o Why are you leaving DC question
• The Congresswoman thanked Sam and CHAMP for what they are doing with PTSD
and asked for member support
• The president had drawing for door prizes
• The president reminded everyone that we are doing a ‘no more plastic bags
challenge’ so a couple door prizes were reusable shopping bags
• The president announced upcoming meetings:
o September 12th 2023
• Meeting adjourned at 8:54PM
Ann Hammond, Secretary BADM
Bay Area Democratic Movement Membership Meeting
6:30 PM, June 13, 2023
Krist Law Firm
President, Sam Alix, called the meeting to order at 7:00PM
• President thanked Scott and Kim Krist for sharing their pace for us to meet
• Scott talked about the importance of democrats and acknowledged his wife as a personal advocate for democrats and making a difference in that community.
• President recognized Sabrina Lee as a big advocate for the LGBTQ+ community and presented her with a certificate of appreciation
• President recognized the BADM board members and introduced the newest member, Rebecca Perkins as Membership chair.
• President introduced Mohammed Nasrullah who spoke about a Galveston Program that is part of the Juneteenth Festival.
• President acknowledged recent indictments with the statement, ‘The arc of universe is long, but bends toward justice.’
• President called for a moment of silence in Honor of member, Suzy Allison, who passed away recently.
• Voter outreach co-chair, Flora Gill, spoke about a project that Suzy has initiated regarding apartment GOTV activity. She needs volunteers and had a handout with a QR code to use to sign-up to volunteer.
• President introduced, Dr. Letetia Plummer, Houston City Council At-Large 4 incumbent
• Dr. Plummer spoke about her apartment and landlord problems resolution plan
• Provided Houston Budget information
• Environmental Justice
• Leveling up for every citizen in Houston
• Q&A on container groceries, a private partnership program, and access to libraries
• President recognized a member volunteer, Clarice Blanks, who made 150 calls during school board election.
• President introduced Senator John Whitmire, candidate for Houston City Mayor. He spoke about:
• His 50 years of serving in Austin began when he was in his early 20’s (1972) as a House Representative and then moving to Senate in 1983.
• Turmoil in Austin is sad for our state, but we’re a strong state – 19 GOP, 12 Dems in Senate
• No reason not to have medic-aid expansion and it is the morally right thing to do and it will help community economy
• This session was mean-hateful especially against LGBTQ+ and trans-children
• Property tax was priority – nothing yet unless in special session
• GOP owns the state government so no one to blame but themselves
• Wanting to change governance in Houston
• He thrives on constituent services
• Public Service was his calling
• Running for one reason – to make a difference and bring people together
• ‘We’ need someone who can call Austin – and he can work across the aisle
• Wants to get the various police departments to talk to each other – they don’t do that now
• Q&A – Gerrymandering of our District E; Transportation and Infrastructure (he wants to be mayor that extends metro to IAH); Pre-emptive Bill (harms cities because every ordinance change has to run through Austin); TCEQ impact to our community; arbitration with firefighters
Scott Krist took a moment to recognize Senator Whitmire’s 50 years of service.
• President introduced Houston City Council At-Large #1 candidate, Leah Wolfthal. She spoke about:
• Her Jewish background and her parents influence (as educators) taught her that politics and public service matters and as a result, her whole life has been in public service
• The Houston City budget has major deficit
• Infrastructure – roads, drainage, etc.
• Crime and Safety
• Her mediator experience will be helpful to bring people together
• President introduced Houston City Council At-Large 3 Candidate, Donnell Cooper who spoke about:
• His education background - Catholic school through 9th grade and then public HS where he played BB with George Floyd. Is a TSU graduate.
• Worked for Exxon under Rex Tillerson as a ‘boss’
• Director of Boy Scouts of America
• He oversaw LE Academy at HCC and would push for HPD to recognize LE Academy credentials
• He would be a voice for Kingwood and for Clear Lake
• Wants to work with us - to sit down and develop a plan
Q&A – Question First priority for candidates: Budget (Wolfthal) – Public Safety – (Cooper); How to get people evacuated during hurricane – starts right here in our own community (Cooper); Budget Deficit solutions combine City and County Public Healthcare, Libraries, adjust revenue cap (Wolfthal)
• President introduced Joshua and Isaiah Martin – local brothers who are activists in community and at the University of Houston. Josh talked about voter outreach and Isaiah talked about Narcan that can be purchased and used for over-dose remedy.
• Other candidates attending meeting were introduced:
• Conchita Reyes – Houston City Council At-Large 1
• Obes Nwabara – Houston City Council At-Large 2
• Sean Teare – Houston City District Attorney Candidate
• Holly Vilaseca – Houston City Council At-Large 2
• Appellate Court Judge, Meagan Hassan
• President and guests drew for door prizes
• President adjourned meeting at 8:32 PM
Ann Hammond, BADM Secretary
Minutes of Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership Meeting
May 9, 2023
BADM President, Sam Aliz, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
President Called for a moment of silence for the men and women on the front lines and for the tragedy in our community.
The president introduced Mr. Jamieson MacKay, the newly elected District 2 CCISD Trustee who spoke about his background and his interest in public education.
He introduced his wife and daughter who were also at the meeting.
The President offered:
Mother’s Day Wishes
Memorial Day Reminder
Recognized Veterans attending the meeting
Recognized the BADM Board Members
Thanks to those who brought food for meeting
Information on how to pay dues on-line and that dues help pay for the headquarters building during election cycle
We should use our energy to do good
The President introduced first speaker, Ms. Rhonda Hart
May 9th and five-year Anniversary of Santa Fe school shooting and one-year anniversary of Uvalde
SB 435 – introduced by Mayes Middleton office gives family members access to autopsy reports
HB 3729 – Dr. Greg Bonnen, House Bill for same action, pulled their bill with hours because they had so much support and moved bill to new committee.
Dan Patrick gutted Bill again so SB 435 is just specific to Santa Fe – the two bills were supposed to be ‘twin’ bills so working on a compromise bill
Bill 2744 introduced to raise the age of purchase for certain AR15 guns and Moms Demand Action testified in support and Bill passed out of committee with an 8-5
Ms. Hart thanked folks for financially supporting the people who went to Legislature (Austin) to testify in support of the Bills.
Voter Outreach co-chair recognized two exceptional volunteers, Brune Hoffman and Clarice Blanks
The President introduced the At-Large City Council, Position 1 candidate, Conchita Reyes. Her priorities are:
Public Safety
Infrastructure (6K miles of streets that need repair)
Drainage (3,300 sewer lines)
Drainage (2,800 ditch drainage)
City Council job means rolling up your sleeves and getting job done, not kissing people
She spent all last year campaigning and dedicating herself to running for position
The president introduced Holly Villaseca, candidate for At-Large City Council Position 2.
She thanked BADM for all they do to Get out the Vote
Her priorities are:
Safe neighborhoods
Quality education
Family First
She was a school board trustee in HISD
Cities are being attacked by the State folks who don’t want to see public ed succeed
She is committed to educate and inform
We need to protect Houston from Texas
Not afraid to take on a challenge
The Vice President thanked the speakers
The President introduced CCISD newly re-elected District 3 Trustee, Arturo Sanchez, who thanked BADM for their support and noted the power of having support in the community
He said that number of folks voting was >85 over a Bond election that was district-wide
The President introduced Amanda Edwards, Houston Mayoral Candidate – highlights of her speech:
The City of Houston is at a crossroads and we need to move our city forward and that everyone has opportunity to thrive – her vision is for the future
There’s a financial challenge of $350M deficit
We need a mayor prepared for the challenges and has experience
She has the courage to do the right thing - To put people before politics
She mentioned the opportunities she’d had; e.g., at Harvard when Elizabeth Warren was her professor
Saw that she needed to not keep her opportunities for herself but to give back to the community
Her municipal Finance background led her to a figure it out and make it happen mentality and she’ll bring that to the mayor’s office
Delivering the change that they talk about on the campaign trail and help the citizens of Houston
Crime is a problem in our city
Need a presence in the community
Prevent crime in the first place
We have to have a leader who will be ready to address the financial crisis we have
Have the courage to do the right thing
The President then held drawing for door prizes
The President announced speakers for next meeting as John Whitmire and Leticia Plummer
Sherrie Matula announced the BAAD Women meeting on May 18th featuring Drag Queen Angelica and UH professor, Maria Gonalez
Meeting adjourned 8:45PM
Ann Hammond,
BADM Secretary/Parliamentarian
Minutes of the Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership Meeting
April 11, 2023
Minutes of the Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership Meeting
The President, Sam Alix, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM after members had meal of salads and sandwiches and drinks.
He introduces Veteran James King, of the VA and called for a moment of silence for victims of the mass killings.
The Vice President, Karen Wolfe, did a brief inspirational talk about our ancestors and how much our work, as theirs, takes courage. We need to be mindful of what we’re doing for our country and stay on the right side of history.
The President then recognized April birthday members and first-time attendees.
1. The President then introduced, Dr. Laura MacKay, wife of CCISD Trustee candidate, Jamieson MacKay.
She gave a brief family history of the candidate, education background, employment and all of the many places he has volunteered in the School District.
His family was from Scotland and teachers had made a life-changing impact on Jamieson’s grandparents and parent’s life as well as his own life. (His wife is a teacher and administrator in the Clear Creek School District.)
She closed with comment that all children need an education and all his professional life has been investing in education in our community.
2. The President then introduced Chris Hollins who is running for City Controller.
He is running for City Controller because he loves the city but because as great as the city is, over his lifetime there are some significant problems that have become obvious.
We need to focus on real challenges and not whatever bottom Austin is trying to get to: So local control will be what is left for the Party. We have taken over Harris County and moved it forward and thanked the Club for their part in that.
He gave some of his family history; his parents opened their door to 20 foster children. His father was a police officer.
He went to business school and took accounting which will help him in this position so really wants to win. He’s also an attorney.
He became county elections clerk in a pinch when the clerk resigned. He brought new ideas for elections during the last election (held during Covid epidemic): 24-hour voting, drive-thru voting, mail-in tracking and stood up to Abbott and won when they wanted to take away our votes.
He described City Controller Office functions: Track funding and insure there’s honesty and integrity in that office. They will have opportunity to make it better and can audit and organize City Government; empower the mayor to make it a part of the city.
Short Q & A session and then Mr. Hollins thanked the members.
3. The President then introduced next speaker, Nick Hellyar.
He gave brief family background (they immigrated from England when he was only one). He’s a product of HISD.
Gave some experience background – Precinct Chair in Fort Bend County and Councilman Jim Rodriguez staffer. He had a Real Estate Company but now is back in politics.
He is running because he cares about the city and constituents. Responsibility is showing up and listening to issues and taking it to the City Hall to solve.
He closed with comments that it is important there is diversity and there hasn’t been a gay person on city council.
Short Q&A session
4. President recognized Veteran’s at the meeting
5. President recognized the BADM Board members.
6. President introduced Candidate for District E – Patricia Olivera
She is a former marine and from a family of veterans – she served in Iraq as part of a group of females trained to work with local females because males could not.
In 2013, she made Huston her home and she has a vision for District E.
Flooding and drainage control
Public Safety – insufficient first responders
Veteran’s services – they are still going through same obstacles that her grandfather went through in Korea
Mental Health – PTSD victim but because of good mental health providers she is in good shape. But not all veterans get the help they need.
2019 was policy advocate for Veterans’ PACTACT – it got passed in 2022.
Q&A Session
7. The President thanked the Krist’s for hosting our meeting.
He discussed need for members to pay their dues to help fund our campaign office and the club meetings.
He asked about candidates who were in the audience:
507th Family Court Judge Julia Maldanado for re-election in 2024
8. Advocacy chair, John Cobarruvias, reminded members about upcoming CCISD election with early voting beginning April 24th.
9. Voter Outreach co-chair, Kim Krist, also talked about the school board election and handed out District 2 and District 3 fliers with maps.
10. The President introduced the two new BADM board members: Membership, Kat Marvel and Voter Outreach Co-chair, Flora Gill.
11. The President did door prize drawings
12. The President announced next meeting date, May 9, with a Cinco de Mayo theme with Amanda Edwards, Mayoral candidate and Conchita Reyes, City Council At-Large 1 candidate, as speakers. Holly Vilaseca, City Council At-Large 2, will also be a speaker.
13. Sonia Hernandez approached podium to invite members to the Cinco de Mayo celebration at the Bay Area Unitarian Universalist Church is schedule for Sunday, April 21, beginning at 12 noon. and to watch a series, the six-part MSNBC program "Hispanics in America.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:26PM
Minutes of the Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership Meeting
March 14, 2023
1. The President Called Meeting to Order at 7:00 PM.
• Recognized first time BADM meeting attendees
• Recognized Veterans and had moment of silence in honor of all Military
• Recognized all March Birthdays
• Recognized BADM Board Members and board family members there who supported them
• Recognized other area Democratic Club Officer present
• Recognized the Chili Cook off contestants and stated that proceeds of voting for people’s choice chili would go towards the 2024 Election Headquarters fund
The Vice President spoke about Pat Shroeder, in Memoria for her 24 years of service in the House, and quoted her as having said, “24 years of House work and the place is still a mess,” which was written by Ms. Shroder after she left Congress.
2. The President introduced the first speaker, Brad Pritchard from Equality Texas.
• Mr. Pritchard stated that Equality Texas primarily did LGBTQ work, fighting censorship is schools, and fighting against the Moms for Liberty who are recruiting for School Board positions.
• He said that March 10 Bill filing for this session ended.
• He noted patterns about bills filed: Nothing on Guns and most LGBTQ issues, Voting Rights, only tougher, what got applied to abortion on suing will be applied to censorship and LGBTQ issues.
• It is a battle for Humanity and Democracy.
• Seventy-six (76) anti-LGBT bills were filed last session; 137 were filed this session and many affect bodily autonomy. Of the 137 Bills, 7 are ‘good’ LGBTQ Bills.
• We are already half way through this legislative session – he offered names of organizations that had bill trackers on their website to use:
o Texas Civil Rights
o Equality Texas
• Three anti-trans bills are getting a hearing next week and asked folks to drop a card of opposition to legislators.
• Monday, March 20 is ‘all in for equality’ day and there are two busses from Houston going to Austin. Go to their website and sign up if you want to go
• Go to their website for their listing of ‘good bills’ and ‘bad bills’
Q&A for a few minutes and then ended with a compliment of other organizations working on LGBTQ issues like Health care ban bills, Healthcare for Trans children/adults: The ACLU, and Texas Civil Rights Projects who do legal and constitutional analysis on bills.
3. The Judicial Outreach Chair introduced Sallie Alcorn, City Council, At-Large Position 5, noting that Sallie has supported the Clear Lake area when our own City Council representative is always in Kingwood.
Ms. Alcorn said she was now on the Texas Municipal Board and was just in Austin -
• New laws proposed will almost do away with local governments, like Houston. The pre-emption bill will keep local municipalities from governing – the State will do it all.
• Lots of activity going on in this Bay Area – like at Space Port
• Budget – lots of help from feds so Houston in good shape
o She did public survey two years ago and now outcome budget being put in place
• Infrastructure work – Water Authority, Coastal Spine
• Public Safety – rise is violent crime with lots of money invested in police and overtime
• She wants more money in forensic crime center
• Quality of Life – neighborhood issues with parks
o Environment – looking for ways to get the City of Houston to do composting
o No car Friday to get people walking, bicycle riding to walk
o Mayor’s climate action plan converting city fleet to electric cars
4. The Advocacy Chair introduced Ms. Glencora Rogers who a CCISD Trustee District 2 Candidate.
She was a teacher in Alvin ISD for 14 years
A recovery volunteer Has two children in CCISD and one adopted 13-year-old.
5. The Secretary introduced Mr. Arturo Sanchez who is a CCISD Trustee for District 3 running for re-election. The secretary had served with Mr. Sanchez for a couple of years on the Board of Trustees.
He has served on the Board for six years His mother was his inspiration for school board service as she was a lifelong teacher His website is https://electarturosanchez.com/
6. The Community Outreach Chair introduced Carvana Cloud, Attorney, who spoke about Domestic Violence and how at night social worker and police and/or nurse go to crime scene now…a plan she put in place. She spoke briefly about the 10% bail bond minimum pay – however a lawsuit is still pending against county and sheriff department. She previously worked in DA’s office and then ran for DA in last election.
7. The Voter Outreach and Candidate Support Co-chair introduced Sylvia Mintz who is running for the HCDP Chair position. Precinct Chairs get to vote for new Pary Chair this Sunday, March 18th. She gave her background experience and while she spoke with an accent, said that ‘she doesn’t think with an accent.’
8. Pop-in candidates:
o Julia Maldonado – Running for re-election for 507 District Family Court
o Yen Rabe – announced that she was not going to run after all for Pasadena School Board but named two other candidates she recommended.
o Judge Jerry Simoneaux – Probate Court 1 – Said Legislature to create Probate Court #5, which is needed. He said he is Judge over all Probates in Texas, the first in Harris County in 30 years to have position.
o Newly elected Judge Teresa Waldrup
9. President announced the Chili Winner
Celebrity Judges winner – Carla Medlenka
People’s Choice Winner – Tracey Lewis
Drawing for door prizes
10. Advocacy Chair reminded everyone of the CCISD School Board election and to please vote.
11. The President thanked Scott and Kim Krist for allowing club to use their offices for our meetings.
12. The Vice President announced that the board has two vacancies to be filled – Treasurer and Membership and were looking for interested candidates.
13. The President thanked everyone who brought goodies to the meeting to share.
14. The President announced next meeting date, April 11, with Mayoral candidate Chris Hollins and candidate for City Council, Nick Hellyer.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:47PM.
Ann Hammond, Secretary
Minutes of Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership meeting
February 14, 2023
(6:30 – 7:00 PM Dinner and Social time)
BADM President, Sam Alix, called meeting to order at 7:11PM:
Moment of Silence in honor of Armed Forces
Thanked the Krist family for hosting the meeting at the Law Offices building
Thanked member, Chef David, for the food served at the meeting
Happy Birthday to members who have birthdays in January and February
John Cobarruvias, Advocacy, spoke briefly about writing letters to State Reps and also about CCISD Trustee election in May. CCISD is one seat away from Right-wing taking over the district. He handed out information with talking points in his call to action for members. He specifically mentioned the importance of writing to Rep Dennis Paul, 129, since he has taken lead in restricting voting access.
Kayla Alix on Black History Month – introduced her 97-year-old grandmother, Odeal
Buhl, affectionally known as Modear. Modear discussed her teaching history that started in 1946. She taught for 41 consecutive years. At one point in her teaching career, she picked cotton to help buy uniforms for children. She also taught Adrian Garcia in elementary school (and had photo of that class with her). She Left us with this quote:
‘As long as you have memories of the things you have done, yesterday remains
As long as you have hope, tomorrow awaits
As long as you have love, today is beautiful
As long you have God, anything and everything is possible.’
At this point the president gave the website address for anyone that wants to follow bills in the Texas Legislature. https://capitol.texas.gov/
The President introduced the Speaker, Ty Burns, who talked about censorship in Texas and how it started.
People select books to support curriculum or just for shear enjoyment of reading.
Rep. Matt Krause in DFW area published of 850 list of books he thought should be banned and submitted it to the State Budget Committee challenging that taxpayer dollars paid for these books in school libraries. The Committee chair said he did not have authority to send out such a list: 60% of list were on gay topics, 118 titles dealt with trans, 8% on race and racism, and 115 titles considered Sex Ed.
Mr. Burns explained that as a result of the problems associated with Krause’s ‘banned book list’ a group was formed, ‘Freadom Fighters.’ He noted that Texas leads the nation in books banned and that 41% of them explicitly address LGBTQ.
Mr. Burns discussed different school districts policies that have been put in place - one being to rank what level of reading material is provided, like TV or Movie ratings per age group. HB338 was introduced by CyFair Rep Tom Olverson to require ratings o books and if passed, would go into effect in 2023.
The League City Council obscene books debacle was discussed.
At the end of Mr. Burns’ discussion, he talked about the Texas Library Association Whitten Fund that was set up to help protect rights of readers.
There was a Q & A session after Censorship presentation.
The President then introduced candidate for Houston City Council At-Large, Position 1, Isaiah Martin. He is first Gen Z candidate running for City of Houston Position. He was born in, lived in Clear Lake City, and will serve Clear Lake City.
Other candidates visiting the meeting:
Leah Worthal, also running for Houston City Council At-Large, Position 1.
Patricia Olivarez, Houston City Council, District E candidate.
Yen Rabe, Pasadena School Board candidate.
Kim Krist, BADM Voter Outreach chair, gave short presentation on Precinct Development and comparison of 2018 – 2020 election turnout by precinct after BADM outreach activities. Kim introduced her new co-chair Flora Gill and thanks outgoing co-chair, Nina Johnston. She then presented stats of 2022 BADM work:
14,849 Doors knocked on
50 Precincts walked (out of 63)
3,640 handwritten postcards
86% of precincts BADM worked exceeded state percentage turnout
Harris County Dems won 57 of 61 judicial races
Super majority in Harris County Commissioner’s Court
She announced BADM planning for School Board, City Council and Mayoral races and if anyone interested in participating in the endorsement process to contact John Cobarruvias or Ann Hammond.
The President then had drawing for door prizes.
March 14 meeting on Texas Legislature update
Mohammed Nasrullah gave info on the Covid Rose Memorial Art installation at Tranquility Park on February 24, 1:00PM
Meeting adjourned at 8:49 PM.
Ann Hammond, BADM Secretary
Minutes of Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership meeting
October 11, 2022 6:30 PM
(6:30 – 7:00 PM Dinner and Social time)
BADM President, Sam Alix, called meeting to order at 7:00PM:
• Had a moment of silence in honor of Military
• A member requested a moment of silence for Ukrainians
• Recognized club member, Chef David of WolfeFoods.com
• Acknowledge all October Birthday members
• Acknowledged Hispanic Heritage Month
• Introduced Kim Krist and Nina Johnston, BADM voter outreach team:
• Talked about 10K mailers, 4K postcards and 7K door hangers (so far)
• Block walking is Wednesday at 5 PM and Sunday at 4PM and only doing group walks so no one walks alone
• Phone banking at headquarters and there are laptops there for those who want or you can phone bank from home targeting age 60 +
• Early Voting starts October 24th and Sat before election an Election Day Breakfast will be held locally – more to come on this
• President spoke about the Voter Rally Day for first Saturday of early voting, October 29th
• Candidates welcome
• Members and families welcome
• President welcomed guest, Josh Martin, Student Body President at UH
• Had registered 300 voters today
• Only the vote will change the situation in Texas
• President introduced Marilyn Burgess, Harris County District Clerk
• Updated jury system digitally
• ‘cleaned house’ of mid-management duplication of position
• Increased salaries of employees (approx.. 500)
• Alex (Worden?) and stressed importance of voting all the way down the ballot to the judicial candidates and having qualified judges is important – saying these two judges were qualified – then Introduced the next two speakers, Judge Roth and Judge Garrison
• Tanya Garrison –
• Vote the whole ballot
• Gave us a Constitutional lesson on the three branches of Government and described the functions of the judicial branch and importance of a jury trial that is guaranteed right
• Gave us pop quiz on of the 5 rights of first amendments
• How many amendments gives us the right to a jury trial…5, 6 & 7
• Donna Roth –
• Who do you want overseeing the courts (and a trial by jury, a protected right under the Constitution)? It’s Democrats!
• In Texas we elect our Supreme Court Judges and Courts of Appeals so who do you want sitting on those benches?
• She reviewed some particular differences from Dem vs Rep bench rulings
• Candidate Kat Marvel – Running for Texas House Seat in 129
• Running against Dennis Paul
Spoke about taxes and money not being used to support people in their own state
• Candidate Jon Haire – Running for House District 36
• He received his endorsement from the Houston Chronicle today
• He talked about chaos theory and you/we have to believe we’re going to come out on top
• Kayla Alix introduced Teneshia Hudspeth, Harris County Clerk
• Discussed her job description
• Talked about some new programs she has implemented
• ‘Back to School Birth Certificate Saturday,’ for example
• This is most pivotal mid-term we’ve had
• Talked about length of the ballot on the machines (100 pages) so voting will take a long time
• Review the ballot process and voting
• Delores Lozano – Justice of the Peace, Pct. 2, candidate
• Has a write-in candidate running against her
Scheduled speaker, County Commissioner, Adrian Garcia, was unable to attend meeting.
The President had speakers pull raffle tickets for a few door prizes.
Announcements: 4PM Wednesday, Block walkers meet at Brookwood Elementary
And on Sunday, 4PM at Westbrook Intermediate School (three candidates will be block walking on Sunday with us)
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:10PM.
Ann Hammond,
BADM Secretary
Minutes of Bay Area Democratic Movement Club Membership meeting
September 13, 2022 6:30 PM
BADM President, Sam Alix, called meeting to order at 7:00PM:
• Had a moment of silence in honor of Anniversary of Air Force
• Welcomed everyone and recognized BADM Board Members
• Thanks Scott Krist for letting our Club use the beautiful facility
• Acknowledge all September Birthday members
• Talked about the upcoming block-walking days that started this past week and will be continuing for next few weeks.
• Talked about postcard writing project and need for stamp donations – regular postage price not post card price stamps
• Introduced Kim Krist and Nina Johnston, BADM voter outreach team:
• who expanded on block walking that had started the week of Labor Day
• Putting door hangers on doors to stir up people who don’t vote
• Those who are registered and don’t vote
• Block walking is Wednesday at 5 PM and Sunday at 4PM
• Turfs can be picked up at Headquarters
• Three main talking points to cover in conversation with voters on the list provided
• Block walkers are paired up so no one goes alone
• John Cobarruvias will help with phone banking training at headquarters and there are laptops there for those who want to help or he will set up your personal laptop so you can phone bank from home
• Kim discussed relational organizing for future voting and referred to the Two Million Texan Project – BADM will email link to training for that project in near future
• Thursday September 29th from 2 – 7PM at Headquarters is a Day of Action and until Election Day for post card writing project
• Early Voting starts October 24th and Sat before election an Election Day Breakfast will be held locally – more to come on this
The President then introduced guest speaker, Judge Josh Hill, 232nd District Criminal Court (oversees Drug Court as well) who has been a criminal defense attorney a prosecutor and now a Judge
Highlights of his discussion:
• Bail Laws in Texas
• Misdemeanor bail reform was Federal mandate because people were held simply because they were poor
• Misdemeanor Lawsuit settled and that law changed but Felony lawsuit ended with no need to change system
• Felony bail is now higher compared to what it was before
• Bail laws are in US and Texas Constitution – Texas Constitution (specifically Article 1, Sections 11 through 11c) gives guidance about when someone can be held without bail in Texas
• Courts/Judges have to be in compliance with US and State Constitution
• Statutes make it sound like Judges have leeway but you cannot deprive someone of liberty without due process according to the Constitution
• The Federal Constitution says you cannot take away a person’s liberty
• If they post bond you have to have a hearing and the state has to prove need for holding a person or raising or taking away their bond – but they have to have that hearing to show criminal cause for doing it.
• Federal and State right to due process is how the Bail System works
• Death Penalty Capitals still require a hearing (it’s called a “show cause” hearing – see Article 1 Section 11 of Texas Constitution)
• Under 11a, a hearing must be within 7 days and person can then only be held without bail for 60 days. After 60th day, 11a says defendant is entitled to a new bail
• Article 1, Section 11c is a protective order/domestic violence no-bail situations.
• 11b – no bail due to violation of condition of release
• ‘Don’t engage in any criminal activity’ is best condition of bail to use
• Discussed hearing process and how and why they hold hearings
• The Federal system doesn’t have this problem about bail or no bail
• The misdemeanor system dried up bail bond business in Houston so to be competitive with each other they bail bond businesses have varied their terms of bail payments.
• The tradition use to be a 10% Rule and now there are 1% and 2% deals
• There is currently a lawsuit on forcing bail bondsmen to charge 10%
• If a bonding company comes into court and wants out of the bail, the judge can let them out
• The Federal model doesn’t have a bonding industry and it appears to be working.
• Q & A session followed speaker’s presentation – some comments made are:
• By shining a light on the judges follow the law, it looks like a problem and maybe it will be motivation to the people in Austin to change the system
• Other States are changing to the Federal System
• Harris County is huge and has had population explosion and number of courts have not increased so that’s a problem for everyone
• Josh.Hill@yahoo.com
The President thanked Judge Hill.
The President then had candidates in attendance speak for a minute:
William Demond – candidate for 14th Court of Appeals, Place 9, williamdemondforjustice.com
Amy Hinojosa – HCDE Position 1, Pct. 2
The President had speaker pull raffle tickets for a few door prizes.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:10PM.
Ann Hammond,
BADM Secretary
(6:30 – 7:00 PM Dinner and Social time)
BADM President, Sam Alix called meeting to order at 7:00PM:
•Welcomed everyone and recognized BADM Board Members
•Had a moment of silence
•Recognized Veterans in attendance
•Acknowledge all August Birthday members (our guest speaker, Luke Warford, has birthday, Aug 10)
•Kim Krist talked about opening of the Democratic Headquarters on Bay Area Blvd and the JRR Democratic fundraiser on September 10th – Member ticket price is $150.We have two tables reserved. (16 seats)
The President then introduced guest speaker, Candidate for Texas Railroad Commission, Luke Warford.
Luke Warford spoke about:
•The responsibilities of the RR Commission and how it doesn’t regulate Railroads
•Dems try every year to change the name of the Commission for more transparency
•Republicans don’t want that to happen because they don’t want you to know what it’s all about
•RR Commission could have prevented the freeze last February
•As energy capitol of the world, we should not have had a failure like we did
•We are paying more for energy because our issues are incredibly important
•99% of his opponent’s campaign funding comes from people he is supposed to regulate
•Thinks this is the strongest statewide slate we’ve had in a long time and optimistic about outcome of the election.
•Relationship of RR Commission to ERCOT – ERCOT regulated utilities
•He described power delivery process – gas to power plant and power to your house
•Lack of weatherization and drop in natural gas then less electricity supply and then vicious failure of the grid
•Natural gas and pipelines folks made massive profits as a result of the failure
•Gov. and RR Commission were the problem
•Wellhead hasn’t been winterized and standards
•There is not a finalized standard for winterization from the current RR Commission
•Discussed flaring rules that the RR Commission doesn’t enforce therefore, optimization winterization will likely not get fixed due to non-enforcement
•Sustainable Energy
•The number of people energy employs is important and thinks that we are in a time in Texas and in the world changing where we should be planning for the future…We want to make it cleaner and safer.
•We should be making huge investments in reusable energy, geo thermal, thermal, etc. – all regulated by the RR Commission
•We don’t have clean affordable energy now – and won’t in the future if we don’t plan for it
•His opponent won’t – it will be the young people who will bring the pressure on the commission.
• Who regulates Railroads
•It is regulated by the Dept. of Transportation
The President thanked the candidate for participating in the meeting.
The President then introduced Dr. Laura DuPont, recent retiree from CCISD School Board.
•Discussed the most recent election in May, 2022, for District 1, in particular
•Talked about the absentee ballot counting situation
•On July 1, Ms. Dawson, who lost election, filed a lawsuit against the winning candidate
•Appears they filed that way to inflict harm to winning candidate
•No claims against the winning candidate, only about election procedures
•Winning candidate cannot provide any remedy, only the district can
•After two board resolution votes, the board approved that the district pay to defend itself against the election procedure claims
•Discussed the importance of school board elections and getting good candidates to run and how lawsuits like this will discourage good people to run.
•Encourage members to sign up and speak at board meetings on the good things happening in the district
The president then introduced candidates who were in attendance.
•Mike Englehart – 1st Court of Appeals, place 4
•Kat Marvel – TX House District 129
•Kristie Walsdorf – 122nd District Court - Galveston
The President had raffle tickets pulled for the two Beto yard signs.
The President asked all Precinct Chairs to stand and be recognized.
He asked all other Democratic Club members to stand and be recognized.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15PM.
Ann Hammond,
BADM Secretary
BADM President, Sam Alix:
•Welcomed everyone and recognized BADM Board Members
•Had a moment of silence for victims of gun violence
•Happy Pride Month – We support the LGBTQCommunity:
•Sabrina talked briefly about advocating for trans-children and said Texas Judge had put hold on CPS Investigations of Parents who support their trans-children
•June 25
the Pride Parade in Houston – safe to take families because Homeland Security is here to support local police
•A BADM Member asked we also have a moment of silence for all of the AIDS victims
•John Cobarruvias spoke about his ‘parade’ to Rep Dennis Paul’s house to take the message on gun violence and the NRA
•He talked about future plans to get the word out about candidate(s) on gun violence
•Sam also told attendees about letter to the editor example that was on our seats and at tables in the meeting room to use to contact press on the subject
•Sam gave a Happy Birthday shout out to the Army and for Flag Day
Vice President, Karen Wolfe:
•Talked about ‘Deep in the Heart’ movie, the first conservation film which was produced by Jay Kleberg, candidate for Land Commissioner and narrated by Matthew McConaughey
BADM President:
•Announced there would be no meeting in July but we’re planning a social – a wine tasting likely at Total Wine
•First time attendees and new members were recognized
•The Nassau Bay precinct chairs and members who hosted a coffee at Java Owl last week were recognized
•The Beto Town Hall meeting this Friday, June 17 th, at the MCC was announced and invitation to everyone to sign up to attend.
The President then introduced our guest speaker, Rhonda Hart:
•She talked about her recent 4-day trip to lobby in DC for gun safety – (A Bill named after her daughter)
•John Cornyn actually worked on the gun violence bill
•There seemed to be bi-partisan support on the bill
•She was in a group of three survivors from child violence in Texas
•The Protect our Kids Act passed the House with 323 votes (eight small bills bundled in Act)
•Dan Crenshaw staffers were receptive to raising age for gun purchase
•Sen. Rick Scott said gun issues should be left to the states
•Not a single Texas GOP Rep or Senator voted for the Bill
•She met with Randy Weber’s staff and then with him the next day – he didn’t want to talk about anything but abortion and when asked if he read the Bill he answered, “No” – he was comparing abortion and gun-violence as being on same playing field.
Short Q&A time followed her speech:
•What is Kimberly’s Bill? – Safe storage of guns whereby a pamphlet is being given with sale of guns about storing guns safely.
•Support for Gun Violence Bill? -Senator Cornyn has to find ten people in Senate to support these Bills.
•Who is running against Rep Weber? – Mikel Williams of Galveston
The President called for candidates at the meeting to speak for a minute:
•Judge Angela Graves Harrington, 246 th Family Court
•Kat Marvel – TX House 129 (against Dennis Paul)
•Jon Haire – Congressional District 36 (against Brian Babin)
The President held the drawing for door prizes.
Asked for any announcements:
•BAND Meeting at Bay Area Community Center next Tuesday
•BAAD Women Meeting this Thursday evening via ZOOM
Meeting was adjourned at 8:15PM.
Ann Hammond,
BADM Secretary
Club President, Sam Alix, welcomed the members and guests.
President asked for a Moment of Silence to honor Ukraine.
•Ann Hammond gave a Primary Election update and gave dates for the Runoff Election and Clear Creek ISD Election, May 24th Runoff and May 7th, Clear Creek ISD.
•John Cobarruvias reported on the Harris County Democrats ‘fake’ brochure that was actually distributed and paid for by a group in Fort Bend County.
•Sam Alix reminded everyone to use their dollars to vote for best Chili as proceeds would go towards our election headquarters fund.
•Kim Krist talked about precinct chairs and need for finding new Precinct Chairs for uncovered areas.All Precinct Chairs present.
The President introduced candidate slated to speak at the meeting:
•Judge Jason Luong, a judicial candidate in the Runoff Election, talked about his position and emphasized the position he held as the Veteran’s Court Judge; he commented that this primary was an election about prosecutors against judges.
•Kat Marvel, Candidate for Texas House District 129, went over her four platform items:
•Education – Texas is 38th in spending which is an easy fix
•Housing – so many un-homed Vets and LGBTQ Youth
•Voting Rights – Backtrack the Republican new ‘anti voter’ laws
•Health Care – Expand Medicaid
•Jon Haire, Candidate for TX Congressional District 36, gave a background speech and outlined his experience.
•Running because he couldn’t believe what Abbott and Babin were doing to Texas
•Thinks we need a good scientist and engineer in Congress
•His opponent supported overthrowing the presidential vote
•His platform issues are:
•Infrastructure (his opponent voted against infrastructure bill)
•Reliable electrical supply
•Flood protection
•Freedom to Vote Act
•Expand Education beyond 12 years of School
The President announced Chili Cook-off winner:Tracey Baird Lewis, first place and Kayla Alix, second place.The total funds raised was $88.
The President introduced a judicial candidate who was in attendance:Kim McTorry running for District Court 208; she said her opponent has never practiced in Harris County.
Roger Boykins, President of BAND Club was introduced.
The President announced the Beto Town Hall meeting at the Multi-Cultural Center on June 17th, 2022.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Meeting adjourned, 8:18 PM
Ann Hammond, Secretary
Bay Area Democratic Movement
Club President, Sam Alix, welcomed the members and guests, including the Judicial Panel member to the Meeting.
•He announced that next BADM meeting would be on March 8 th at the Krist Law Firm (In-person meeting).
•Speakers would be Kat Marvel, Candidate for TX 129,Chuck Crews, Candidate for TX 128, and Jon Haire, Candidate for US House, #36
•He announced that the April 12 th meeting speaker would be Dr. Paul - Director of Action in a Peaceful Way – using Dr. King’s non-violent strategies.
•The BADM President then introduced Judge and candidate for re-election, Scot ‘Dolli’ Dollinger, the Judicial Panel Moderator:
•Judge Dollinger told attendees to go to, Harrisvotes.com, for a sample ballot, and check website, Justex.net, for judicial information and also checkout, erickamanning.us, for all democratic candidate information.There are two different judicial panel sessions planned.
•Judge Dollinger had each of first judicial panelist introduce themselves:
•Judge Leah Shapiro, 315 th - Juvenile court, who said her court doe Marriages, adoptions, some child immigration cases too
•Judge Babs Stalder – 280 th Criminal Court (does Veteran’s court)
•Judge Angela-Graves-Harrington – 246 th Family Court - Domestic violence
•Judge Jason Luong – 185 th Family Court and Administrative Judge over all family courts who handles all family plus trauma informed and restoration of family and issues, e.g. CPS cases.
•After introductions, Judge Dollinger asked each judge go into some details on what their court was responsible for and special cases/information they thought people should know about their court.
•Judge Stalder went first.In her court, Special Court Protective Orders are issued for abuse victims, victims of stalking, human trafficking, elderly abuse, family violence, harassment, sexual assault (often children involved.
•Judge Luong – His court handles felony theft, murder, sexual assault, etc.He also has a special court for Veterans, Drug Court, Sober Court, Mental Health, Veteran’s Treatment Court (PTSD, addiction issues, PCS, aggravated assault and DWI’s).Every single Veteran gets their particular issue addressed and put in a recovery program.He tries to have them (Veterans) avoid prison if possible.
•Judge Shapiro – Juvenile Court doesn’t have bond so have to be released to adult with a plan for supervision.Over the age of 14 robbery is eligible to go to ‘adult jail’ - the criminal justice system has Harris County Youth Facilities and youth do have consequences for crimes:deferred adjudication numbers have dropped.
•Judge Harrington – LGBTQ Legislation has changing ideas about same sex families and how they are treated.Same sex family gets same treatment as any other family.They follow the law.‘Family Plan’ – not family of all heterosexual – as in the past they would have to go to Austin to get ‘equal treatment.’There are laws in place and the Dem Judges follow them.
•Judge Stalder – Lifetime Protective Order for Family Violence Protection – If they meet the criteria and she follows the law which allows for that order.The lifetime protective order doesn’t restrict access to children.The respondent can come back after a year and request modification.Her job is to protect people but a second part is to include social services to help people improve so she has brought two social workers into her court (offers parenting classes, for example).
•Judge Dollinger had second judicial panelists introduce themselves:
•Judge Rabeea Collier – 113 th District Court – Civil – general jurisdiction and handle everything except criminal, juvenile and probate.Handles unlimited amount of damages, personal injury cases plus business and contract disputes.Can hand out temporary injunctions, seizure and forfeiture and large universe of cases.
•Judge Abigail Anastasio, 184 th Criminal District Court.She is a former HISD teacher, worked in DA’s office and is now a Judge.She oversees bail hearings, felony cases, sexual abuse, drug cases and anything that’s a felony.She also does a lot with probation and violation and revocation of probation.
•Judge Andrew Wright – Criminal Court #7 – Misdemeanor Court where punishment max is one year (County Jail).His court sees mostly Class A & B misdemeanors.
•Will Demond – Candidate 14 th Court of Appeals. Place 9 – Jurisdiction covers multiple counties.His background is Constitutional Law.
•Judge Wright, in response to question said that judges cannot throw out a case, only the DA can do that.
•Judge Anastasio commented that a judge cannot revoke someone’s bond.It is the DAwho has to request revocation.The court has to conduct a hearing and evidence has to be shown that Bond has been violated. If that’s not available, the court cannot revoke a bond.The judge doesn’t have power that apply to Bail Bonds.They have to apply based on DA presentation of evidence.
•Will Demond – LCL – regarding a parental termination case, the termination of the rights based on one possible drug test was denied review by the TX Supreme Court.
The President thanked everyone, especially the Judicial Panelists and the moderator, Judge Dollinger for participating.
He also mentioned the BADM door hangers and the other clubs and Precinct Chairs who were helping distribute them.
Meeting adjourned, 7:45PM
Ann Hammond, Secretary
Bay Area Democratic Movement
Club President, Sam Alix, welcomed the members and guests to the Meeting – had moment of silence in honor of Military Veterans present and Veteran’s Day. (Also read Calvin Coolidge quote)
•He introduced first speaker, Dr. LaShondra Jones (Veteran)
•She spoke about the dire situation that Veterans find themselves in these days
•She read stats on Veterans and Wars and that there were 17M veterans in the Country
•She talked about Vanessa Guillen and problems at Fort Hood and her participation in search
•She has tried to organize a Women’s Veterans Day
•As part of her job in City of Houston Veteran’s Affairs Office, she is helping with Veteran’s Day Parade
•She thanked the Veterans present for their service and said if she could do anything to help let her know
•President introduced second speaker, Mike Collier, Candidate for Texas Lt. Gov.
•He said education is his number one priority – more money in it and it has to be about the children
•Fix Pension Plan for Retire Teachers
•Get rid of high stakes testing
•Explained where money will come from – owners of large industrial complexes not paying taxes
•Doesn’t take corporate PAC money – only get funds from Texans
•Healthcare – Expand Medicaid
•Veteran’s Assistance – Mental Health, Legalize Marijuana and taking care of the Homeless Vets
•Criminal Justice Reform – no for-profit prisons
•Water Infrastructure and Power Grid updated
•He has called Beto and trying to get him to run for Governor
•He talked about issues with voters
•‘We’ need independent re-districting committee for Texas
•Free to be who you were born to be and support of LGBT
•Champion of women’s right for control of her body
•On personal note, said he lives in Kingwood, has two sons and one daughter-in-law and a grandbaby on the way.
•The President asked if there were any questions for Mr. Collier
•Questions were on subjects of:
•Independent Redistricting Committee
•Gun Control
•Veteran’s Services
•The Power Grid
•Climate Change
•The President then introduced a candidate in the audience:Janelle Robles – Misdemeanor Bench, Criminal Court #2
•President announced next meeting as second Tuesday in December and that the club was supporting three Veteran Families and to look for newsletter with information on needs.
•He recognized Sustaining Members present
•Announced the HCDPMeet and Greet with Ilhan Omar on November 12, 2021 at the Multicultural Center
•Meeting adjourned at 8:02PM
Ann Hammond, Secretary
Bay Area Democratic Movement
Club President, Sam Alix, welcomed the members and guests to the Meeting.
•He had Board members stand or raise hand to be recognized.
•He asked Sustaining Members to stand and be recognized
•Introduced the newest Sustaining Member Je’Rell Rogers, a judicial candidate
•The President then introduced the Panel Members and asked them to talk about their position in the medical profession and Covid related issues:
•Dr. Hussain Issa – Infectious disease doctor in this area for 15 years who explained how vaccine could be developed so quickly because of DNA sequencing capabilities and how a new virus affects our bodies
•Melinda Truxell – ICU nurse for 19 years in surgical trauma ICU and was in Level 2 trauma when Covid hit and she described how ICU changed in numbers of patients and that the patients were not getting better like she was used to seeing in ICU cases.She had to walk away from her profession because it was emotionally too challenging.
•Myrna Baker – 35 years in Health Care Administration – 20 years with Houston Methodist.She gave history of Methodist Hospital System and statistics on Covid as well as hospital’s quick steps in addressing the pandemic.
•Rebel Heasley – 31 years as RN and began during HIV-AIDS were headlining in health care but said that nothing like what happened when Covid came to our area.Described all the things that changed in nursing care and how communication was problem (between families and patient and with hospital staff as well).Selling healthcare to the community was a new thing for nurses.She talked about how technology helped with communication.In spite of all the non-essential things that were shut down during Covid, no one was laid off by Houston Methodist; people were put to work doing other things to help out with the pandemic driven changes.
•Mohammed Nasrulla – He and his wife started the non-profit, Covid 19 Wall of Memories because so many were dying and they felt like something needed to be done to honor victims of Covid and used the Virtual Memorial (like the View Nam Wall).They have honored 8,346 victims so far.
•The President then opened up the floor for questions from the attendees.
•There were questions about number of Covid patients now versus last year
•Question of vaccine mandates – (Houston Methodist was first hospital to mandate all staff be vaccinated)
•Question about side effects of vaccine
The President then announced that membership should have seen the updated Bylaws in Newsletter and on Website and Facebook for past two months.
•Ann Hammond made motion to accept Bylaws as presented.Kim Krist Seconded Motion.The motion passed.
•Judges and other candidates were then called on to make one minute speech about the position they were running for:
•Judge Scot ‘Dolli’ Dollinger – 189 th Civil Court
•Judge Natalia Oaks – 313 th Juvenile Court
•Judge Barbara Stalder – 280 th Domestic Violence Court
•Judge Andrew Wright – Criminal Misdemeanor Court 7
•Judge Paul Calyada – Family Law Court ?
•Candidate Joseph Sanchez- 230 th Criminal Court
•Candidate Gemeyal Haynes – 183 rd Criminal Court
•Candidate Je’Rell Rogers – 14 th Criminal Court
•Mother of Judge Cory Sepolio – 269 th Civil Court spoke for him
•Candidate Erica Ramirez – Criminal Court 8
•Candidate Jon Haire – CD 36
•Candidate Andrea Beall – 185 st Court of Appeals 4 th District Criminal Court
•Judge Mike Engelhart – running for 1 th position
•Dylan Osborne – County Treasurer (current position and running again)
The President drew names for ‘Door Prizes’ before adjourning the meeting.
Meeting adjourned 8:15PM
Ann Hammond, Secretary
Club President, Sam Alix, welcomed the members in the ZOOM Meeting.
•He began with a moment of silence in honor of fallen Houston Police Officer Bill Jeffrey.
•The President talked about the care packages the club had delivered to medical personnel for the ICU units at the Clear Lake – HCA facility.
•The President called on three judges and a Candidate to speak for 45 seconds to introduce themselves.
•Judge K. Andrews – Criminal Court #6
•Judge A. Wright – Criminal Court, #7
•Candidate G. Haynes – 183 rd District Court
•Judge L. Shapiro – 315 th District Court
•The President then introduced Harris County Attorney, Christian Menefee
•Mr. Menefee complimented our Club and thanked us for being the first organization that endorsed him in his run for Harris County Attorney.
•He gave brief overview of what he’s been working on which included:
•Environmental Justice – minorities are disproportionately affected by the refinery area and he’s worked to not approve permits that would environmentally impact them.
•Covid - Prohibiting local officials to do anything about spread by Governor’s mandate.He has filed court case over this mandate.
•SB1 – has filed lawsuit to invalidate parts of SB1 that he thinks is unconstitutional
•Need to have these fights in the court room
•Important to continue to put pressure on Congress to get Voting Rights Act passed because as long as Texas is a Republican run state we will have this fight.
•The H C Attorney then took questions on the subject of:
•Power Grid and if there is a lawsuit
•Bounties on abortion seekers and if that’s legal
•Voting rights and if SB1 is discriminatory
•He hopes Congress intervenes with a good voting rights act
•He has no doubt that these current laws will be heard by SCOTUS
•What can we do as citizens and voters
•Get actively engaged
•Contact his office or Isabel Longoria’s office for information
•Two new congressional seats
•Encouraged everyone to participate in the process
•Lawsuits will likely be filed
The President announced he had to leave and was turning meeting over to Ann Hammond.
•Ann Hammond introduced Jude Lina Hidalgo and she spoke on several topics:
•The Judge complimented the Club for doing such a good job in such a Red area
•She has been hyper-focused on Covid and will continue to put emphasis on it
•$30M for Small Businesses – application process opened
•Rental Assistance Program has been successful and she has been invited by WH twice to review how we do it in Houston.
•Water poisoning problem a couple of weeks ago was addressed
•Early Childhood support by county
•Trying to be a lot smarter and making the County more transparent
•‘We’ are being competent and creative and that scares some people
•She thanked Christian Menefee for eloquence and competence
•She then took questions from participants:
•Medicaid and expansion in Harris County - that cannot be done (yet) without State participation
•What has been most fulfilling and most challenging part of your job
•How to counter avalanche of Republican messaging to win in 2022
•Violent crime and public health
•Refugees in Houston – Afghan and Haitian – contact her office for information on how to help
•Vaccine incentive $100 ends September 30 and will not be extended.
•Ann thank Judge Hidalgo and Harris County Attorney Menefee for speaking with the Club members.
•Ann then went on to announcing the Judges and Candidates in the ZOOM ‘audience’ so they might introduce themselves to participants:
•Candidate D. Brown – 270 th District Court
•Candidate A. Beall – 185 th District Court
•Judge D. Fleischer – Criminal Court #5
•Harris County Treasurer D. Osborne
•Candidate J. Rogers – Criminal Court #14
•Judge Dedra Davis – 270 th Civil Court
•Judge N. Oaks – 313 th Juvenile Court
•Judge L. Dunson – 309 th Family Court
•Harris County District Clerk M. Burgess
•Judge B. Stalder (no response)
•Judge R. Rodriguez – Criminal Court #13
•No other judges or candidates responded when call made if anyone had not been announced but was present.
•Ann announced that the October meeting plans were to have hospital personnel discussing Covid impacts and more information would be coming out to watch for newsletter.
•The November meeting will have Candidate Mike Collier and Dr. LaShondra Jones, who is the Veteran Liaison for the City of Houston.
Meeting adjourned 7:40 PM
New Club President, Sam Alix, welcomed the members in the ZOOM Meeting.
•He recognized the former President, Kim Krist, for her service and presented her with an art piece, Blue Wave with plaque that thanked her for her four outstanding years as Club President.
•The President then had each of the Judges participating in ZOOM to introduce themselves and gave time limit of 45 seconds:
•Judge Singer
•Judge Rodriguez
•Judge David Fleischer
•Judge Natalia Oaks
•Judge Dedre Davis
•Judicial candidate, Denise Brown
•Judge Jason Cox
•Judge Erika Ramirez
•Judge Barbara Stalder
•Judge Mike Englehart
•Judge Linda Dunson
•Judge Chuck Silverman had representative Brenden Twomey speak for him
•Judge Leah Shapiro
•Judicial Candidate JeRell Rogers
•Judge Andrew Wright
•Judicial Candidate? Diane Curvey
•Judicial candidate Mauricio Vasquez
•Judicial candidate Tom Berg was present but only posted in chat
•City Council representative Sallie Alcorn spoke briefly about status of El Dorado Blvd extension/repair.
•The President then introduced Isabel Longoria who was first of the guest speakers. She answered questions at end of her presentation:
•Described the functions of the office
•Ms. Longoria goes to Austin to testify on voting systems for Harris County
•Voting by mail as safe way to vote and listed criteria for voting by mail
•60% women did drive by voting
•Doubled number of voters in local elections in May 2021
•As of July 31, 2021, there are 2,469,400 registered voters
•Have hired 20 people to recruit voter registrars
•Reviewed the new Hart Verity Duo voting machines
•They have a paper ballot printed out once you’ve voted for you to review and drop in ballot box.Emphasized that it was not a receipt but the actual ballot and not to leave with the paper ballot thinking it was a ‘receipt.’
•It is a touchscreen machine that prints out the ballot once you’ve completed voting.
•ALL ballots are paper – no digital voting – and the paper goes into ballot box
•The ballot box is scanner and scans ballot into secure Vdrive and the paper is put in a secure lock box so the voting system has a backup system.
•It is not connected to the internet.
•The blank papers are locked in their facility at all times and they keep track of all ballots and went into detail on how ballots are secured and tracked
•Ms. Longoria commented on SB1 and said it was a bad bill and is up to House Democrats now.
Teneshia Hudspeth spoke for a moment on a Harris County Clerk function on August 14 th – Back to School Birth Certificate event – On Chimney Rock from 10AM – 2PM
•The President then introduced Odus Evbagharu:
•Discussed his background
•Discussed his plans for expanding voter registration
•Self-promotion is vital to the HCDP success
•Good civil disobedience is Good Trouble per John Lewis mantra
•Wants to increase Sustaining Membership - $10 per month or more
•We are no longer the hunters – there is a target on our back now—we are the hunted
•We are under attack by voter suppression efforts after Harris County made voting easy during pandemic and so many voted.
•Talked about Precinct chair training
•Wants to build coalition around DMV – Disenfranchised and Marginalized Voter
•Jon Haire spoke up to announce his candidacy for CD 36
Meeting adjourned 8:00 PM
President, Kim Krist, opened meeting with announcements of upcoming events:
•To assemble a Pride Running Team for the Club
•The Covid Memorial Wall – Walk-a-thon June 10 th and pointed out the fliers in the chairs.
•A Juneteenth Parade in Galveston is planned and information will be forthcoming to the members.
Kim then introduced Sabrina Lee, the Club’s Judicial Outreach person, to have her introduce all of the judicial candidates present.(Since there are so many in attendance, the introductions will be broken up in groups in order of their appearance at the meeting.)
Each Judge was allotted one minute to introduce themselves:
•Raul Rodriguez
•David Singer
•David Fleischer
•Sarah Singer for Judge Wright
•Natalia Oaks
•Barbara Stadler
•Julie Countiss
•Leah Shapiro
The President, introduced the BADM VP, John Cobarruvias who then introduced the evening speaker, Precinct 2 Commissioner, Adrian Garcia.Some topics of his discussion were:
•The Commissioner was happy about Harris County citizens getting vaccinated and very complimentary of Judge Lina Hidalgo.
•He was thankful for all that ‘we’ did in light of the election problems
•He bragged on Chris Hollins work and innovative ideas to help voters and that Chris had talked to County Officials across Texas to let them know about the Harris County Model.
•He wanted everyone to know that Clear Lake City is no longer forgotten
•Infrastructure funds and that
•George P. Bush needs to include Houston/Harris County – Floods don’t care about political affiliation
•ERCO vs. ERCOT – the ‘R’ in ERCOT stands for reliable and it isn’t
•State should have been able to do more
•Pct. 2 had warming centers set up during freeze because they were prepared
•The governor has yet to do anything meaningful to make things better
•Current legislature is ‘window dressing’ and not putting in the needed investment into the infrastructure
•Cautioned that the upcoming election will be critical and not to depend on the redistricting
•Voting all the way down the ballot is very important
•With no straight ticket voting, it is important to vote for Judges
•The Commissioner added Healthcare to his job description and not just infrastructure and Parks
•On equity in property tax and business owners – industry not paying fair share?
•Ike Dyke project and damage to Galveston Bay – why not have businesses protect their own property?
•Harris County Appraisal Districts needs major reform; that’s where problem lies
•Ike Dyke unintended consequences a possibility
•From 2008 until now nothing has been done yet
•We need a multi-tier approach to protect environment and industry as well and as right as well can possibly make it.
The President thanked Commissioner Garcia. She then discussed the new BADM Sustaining Membership category and how to participate as a Sustainer.
She then handed the meeting back to Sabrina to introduce more Judicial Candidates.
• Hillary Unger
•Scott Dollinger
•Cheri Thomas
•Gemayal Hayes
•Jason Cox
•Kyle Carter
•Andrew Beall
•Jerry Semineaux
The President then announced the Slate of Officers for the upcoming year.
PresidentSam Alix
Vice President John Cobarruvias
TreasurerTracey Lewis, Ass’t Treasurer, Siromi Wijesinghe Secretary Ann Hammond
Voter Outreach and Candidate Support Chair and Co-Chair,
Nina Johnston and Kim Krist
Community Outreach Kayla Alix
Judicial Outreach Sabrina Lee
Membership Mary Kirasich
Marketing Carla Medlenka
Hospitality Leona Coen
Technology/Website Freddie Bean
Trish Totten made a motion to accept the slate of officers as presented; motion seconded and passed unanimously.
Sabrina continued to introduce the judicial candidates:
•Mike Englehart
•Josh Hill
•Jason Luong
•Diane Curvey
•Joseph Sanchez
•Jerrel Rogers?
The President announced there would be no July meeting and that in August the new Police Chief would be speaker at that meeting.She adjourned the meeting at 8:30PM
Ann Hammond, Secretary
President, Kim Krist, introduced the speaker, Representative Jon Rosenthal.
Rep. Rosenthal spoke about the current Legislative Session in Austin. Here are some of the topics/comments:
•This has been one of the craziest session they he can ever remember.
•Fighting anti-trans bills, abortion bills, voter suppression bills, guns, and education (referencing the no current events teaching and critical race theory) that was discussed at length today.
•The Bill about what our teachers can teach our children…that’s treading into fascist territory now. This scares him the most…their unwillingness to teach real history.
•He noted that Democrats represent 12M Texans…but are a minority in the House and Senate in representation.
•Rep. Rosenthal also spoke about the problems with the Texas Electric Grid, noting that the real problem is electrical generators cannot operate without natural gas suppliers and vice versa….so if either one of those go down they both go down and they need to make them independent.
•He commented on Ike Dyke and that the Federal Government would be the largest funder of the project.
•Has co-authored the Ike Dyke Bill with Dennis Paul - as the only two engineers in the House.
•He spoke briefly about voter fraud and SB 7 – Abbot spent $250K to investigate voter fraud – 16 errors out of 11 million votes – most were address errors and not even voter fraud.You are more likely to be struck by lightning or meteorite than find voter fraud in Texas.
•There is no voter integrity problem in Texas and they’re spending way too much time on the subject.
•HB 6 is SB 7 version.Going to conference committee because there are so many amendments to them.
•Republicans have been leading this process in Texas for over 20 years and they’ve written all the laws on this (voting process) and now they are saying there’s a problem.
•He believes our elections are very secure
•Rep Rosenthal said that the Feds need to put up guardrails against some of the horrible bills that Texas legislators are trying to pass.
•On Medicaid expansion…only one republican voted for it…a decent human being that votes his conscience(from San Antonio)
Rep. Rosenthal had to return to House floor for a vote so we ended our meeting with him.
Kim then had the Judges who were in the ZOOM meeting introduce themselves:
•Barbara Stadler
•Debra Davis
•Jerry Simoneaux
•Shannon Baldwin
•Scot ‘Dolli’ Dollinger
•Tonia Finch
The President announced that the June meeting would be in-person and at a park with a BBQ Food truck there.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:00 PM
Ann Hammond, Secretary
• President, Kim Krist opened meeting. She:
•recognized elected officials in attendance and guest speaker
•discussed topics for upcoming meetings
•talked about the Club’s Covid Memorial Bench at Exploration Green
•discussed Legislative topics and telling membership that information about Bills to support would be sent out in our newsletter
•discussed interested in a panel to study elections results and to submit names if anyone was interested in participating
•introduced the guest speaker, Leslie Evers, from DeKalb County, Georgia
• Ms. Evers talked about how they organized the campaign
•They organized by precincts and by House Districts for Democratic counties
•They created a precinct network
•Volunteers were Key
•They were tenacious and met daily with campaign people
•Trust factor within the community was important
•Having 145 precinct captains on the ground was also Key
•Also having GOTV Committee provided information to the precinct captains because messaging needed to be consistent
•Her group didn’t knock on doors make calls and texts, but both Ossoff and Warnock did that.
•She considered this a Top Down approach for election campaigning
• The President then introduced Sri Kulkarni
•Is now Chief of External Affairs with AmeriCorps in the Biden Administration
•He thought he was really going to win his election, as well as many others, in Texas. And gave percentage points in previous elections where candidates had lost:Obama 16 points, H R Clinton, 9 points, and Biden 5 points.
•Thought the division in the Republican Party helped Dems win in Georgia
•Turned out 90% of Dems in Georgia
•Communication/Relational Programs mobilized voters
•Reach App – pulling networks together; local networks development in neighborhoods and in precincts
•Reminded us not to forget the young people
•Close remarks by speakers
•How we should organize and decide our mission and how we want to carry it out is critical
•When Dems show up, we win and in DeKalb County they don’t show up so they focused on the non-voters (and apparently they voted).
•The President ended meeting with reminders:
•Topics for Texas Legislative Session from members
•Volunteers for the Panel/Task Force for study of election results
•Club listing of House and Senate Bills to support
Meeting adjourned 8:00 PM
Ann Hammond, Secretary
• President opened meeting 7:00 PM
•School Board Candidates were introduced
•Noble Alix, Pasadena ISD
•Jonathan Cottrell, Clear Creek ISD
•Page Rander, Clear Creek ISD
•Introduction of Judges
•Judge Andrew Wright
•Judge Raul Rodriguez
•The judges talked about:
•History of Bail Reform
•Bail schedule
•Consent decree
•How we created a debtors prison system
•Unsecured bond or Personal bond
•Bills in current Legislative Session that impact judicial system
•Meeting adjourned 8:00 PM
Ann Hammond, Secretary
Copyright © 2017 BADM All Rights Reserved
24 Nov 2024
Bay Area Democratic Movement
PO Box 590383
Houston, Tx 77259